True or False
True or False
True or False
I can stand by the door because class is almost over
False-You will be asked to complete a task if you are standing by the door. Name 3 things you could do instead
I may have an aide in my other classrooms.
True- if you have a class like art, home economics, wood shop or other elective there might be an aide in the class with the teacher. Why is an aide in the classroom?
You walk through the door as the bell rings- are you late?
Yes. You should be already sitting in you chair, materials out and ready to listen. What are some things you can do to prepare for class?

I forgot my password. . again- what should I do?

Look in your agenda. Your passwords should be written in a safe place. When will I need a password?


If I want to use an I-pad I should just take one. 

False- You should ask the teacher before you use any school supplies and return then at the end of the period. Which supply do I need to sign out for? 

It' s OK to go ahead in my work and finish early
False- you should always follow along with the teacher step by step, check your work and listen. What is a good reason why you should not go ahead?
If I ask to see the counselor or psychologist I can see them right away
False- your teacher will let you know when they are available and schedule an appointment with you Why can't I see them right away?

I'm missing or can't find a paper I need- what should I do?

Use a silent signal to let an adult know what you need. What could you do while you are waiting?


I didn't understand one of the problems on my math homework- is it OK to just skip it?

No, you should make an effort to try. If you are still not sure, circle the number. We will go over some problems in math class. 

The teacher may ask me to come to homeroom during my period 4 class.
True. Sometimes the teacher needs to do assessments or testing with you so it is important you arrive on time. Why are you doing assessments and testing?
I need a pass to use the restroom and see the nurse
True - any time you leave the class you need a pass. Can you name some other times you would need a pass?
My assignments in class will be the same as everyone else so it is OK to copy
False- everyone has different goals and assignments. Why is it not a good idea to copy?
I can't see the board from where I am sitting- what should I do?
Raise your hand to tell the teacher and you may be moved to an assigned spot Why do you think you are you given an assigned spot?
It's my birthday tomorrow! Can I bring in whatever food I want?
You need to ask the teacher's permission in advance before bringing in food. Why is it a good idea to ask permission?
I don't have my math notebook so I don't have to take notes.
False. Any time you don't have your notebook or material you will need to complete the notes on binder paper and attach it later. Do I need to copy notes even if I have a copy of the teacher's notes?

If I am absent I need to make up all my work

False- only some work MAY need to be made up

Why would you need to make up work if you are absent/sick? 

If I need a chrome book I should just take the first one available.
False. Each student is assigned a chrome book. Only use the number you are assigned. How do I know which number is mine?
I got a note to come to homework club but I forgot- what should I do?
Be honest and tell the teacher what happened. Why is it important to be honest?
I misplaced my textbook or other school material- what will happen?
Any school property that is lost will need to be replaced at your cost. Do not use another student's materials. Each student's book is assigned a number. Why is my textbook given a number?
The teacher gave me an envelope for my parents but I want to know why- can I open it?
False. You cannot open an envelope that is not addressed to you. If you want to know why you were given it you may ask the teacher at an appropriate time. Why should I not open the envelope?

I may be asked to re-do my homework

True- you may be asked to attend lunch academy with the teacher for low, incomplete or missing homework scores. Can you explain what lunch academy is?

I don't like the school headphones- can I bring my own from home?
True. You are allowed to use your headphones from home but the school is not responsible for lost, broken or stolen items. Where is a good place to keep my headphones?
I"m not happy with a grade I got- what are my options?
You should talk to the teacher at an appropriate time. When would an appropriate time be?
I would like to borrow some sports equipment from the class- how can I do this?
The classroom sports equipment like soccer balls may be borrowed but you must sign out and take responsibility for returning it. Why do I need to sign out?

There are 3 class reminders to help you be your best 

True. 1- Verbal Reminder 2- Move Seat 3- Reflection sheet. What is a reflection sheet? 
