What is Rule 1?
No talking when the teacher is talking
Movie theater mode with a zero voice.
When do you put up your lunch count?
At the beginning of the day!
What writing utensil do you need to write with for math?
A pencil!
How many pumpkins is Miss O'Connell going to bring in this year?
We will have to wait and see.
What is Rule 2?
Eyes and ears on speaker
What do you need to bring to school each day?
Your chromebook fully charged, planner, take home folder, math books
How can you be responsible as a fourth grader?
Turn in homework on time, ask for help, try your best at everything we do in class.
Your planner, take home folder, important papers, and library books
When is the word search coming back?
This month.
What is Rule 3?
Be kind to EVERYONE
When can you have juice and/or soda?
Only during breakfast and lunch
Where do you put your coats, backpacks, hats, mittens, etc.?
In the coat closet.
What is the most important thing you need for each subject?
Your brain and positive attitude!
What does Mrs. Bikowitz love the most about our classroom?
All of the tiny humans in it.
What is Rule 4?
How many pencils are you supposed to sharpen at the beginning of the day?
two pencils!
When can you interrupt a teacher?
If you are bleeding, have to throw up, medical emergency, or if the Jonas Brothers walk in the room.
Where can you sharpen pencils if they run out of lead?
Pencil sharpener?
How many times are your teachers going to sing this trimester?
Over a million times. Sorry, kids.
What is Rule 5?
Safe body rules
When is a good time to use the restroom?
In between specials, subjects, and at the end of the day.
When is NOT a good time to use the restroom?
During instruction and when a teacher is giving important information.
When can you use a sharpie in class?
What is one thing you love about fourth grade?
Any and all answers are acceptable.