(Yes or No) Tutorials are available every day for students
What is No.
Cursing in class will result in what specific write up?
What is inappropriate language.
Homework is what percentage of your quarterly grade
What is 20%
Tests are worth what percentage of the quarterly grade.
What is 50%
BC's school colors?
What are maroon and grey
Tutorial is available in the mornings on these two days.
What is Tuesday and Thursday
Horseplay in the lab or messing with another class lab will result in this write up
What is class disruption or failure to follow instructions
Homework submitted one day late results in what percentage penalty?
What is 50%
Tests will be completed in the
What is class period
What wing is the science department in?
What is the STEM wing
Tutorial is available after school on which day?
What is Wednesday
Disrespect towards the teacher or class will result in this specific write up
What is disrespect
Homework is due at this time virtually through myBC.
What is 8:25
When you are absent it is your responsibility to contact
What is Dr. Sheahan
Who is headmaster of BC.
What is Fr. Frank
Tutorial on this day is only by request from 3:05-3:20pm.
What is Wednesday.
Constant redirection to stay on task will result in this specific write up
What is class disruption
Copying a student's lab, or lab notebook will result in this specific write up
What is plagiarism, or honor code
Upon the day of return the student should
What is schedule make up work with Dr. Sheahan
When was BC founded.
What is 1902
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
The use of airpods, cell phones or a non issued school laptop will result in this specific write up
What is inappropriate use of technology
The lab notebook is graded as what categorically grade?
What is a quiz grade
Failure to schedule makeup work with Dr. Sheahan the day of return, or through myBC will result in
What is a teacher detention
What classroom are we in?
What is S5