What is the least restrictive prompt?
Visuals can support behavior. Please give an example of visuals in the classroom.
Visual schedules, wait strips, work strips, etc.
What is data collection?
a form of tracking student progress
What is the name of the process for encouraging or establishing a pattern of behavior?
What is an IEP goal?
a specific target set to help student their unique learning needs
What is the most restrictive prompt?
Full Physical
Behavior has both form and function. Are we questioning the form or function when we ask ourselves questions like “What purpose does the behavior serve?” or “What does the behavior communicate?”
Function! Form is what the behavior looks like (e.g., smiling, screaming, hitting, knocking over materials).
Why do we collect data?
provides accountability for IEP goals and helps inform instructional planning
Reward or Bribe? - Earned for a job well done!
Reward! In contrast, bribes are given in response to challenging behavior.
Why are IEP goals important?
They outline what a student should achieve within a give timeframe
How does independence impact quality of life?
Independence promotes participation, making choices, and increases interactions with others
What is the name for providing students with an alternative behavior that allows them to meet their needs while they are learning the skills to engage in a desired behavior?
Replacement behavior
What do we collect data on?
Behavior, Academics, Speech & Language, OT/PT
Reward or Bribe? - Reactive and delivered in frustration.
Bribe. In contrast, rewards are planned ahead of time and delivered with praise.
What is one component of an IEP goal?
measurable objective that is specific and achievable
How do you chose the right prompt?
It should be easy to fade, have a little amount of support, be least stigmatizing, and most effective!
We often use the ABC method when trying to determine the function of behaviors. What does ABC stand for?
Antecedent (what happens before the behavior occurs)
Behavior (the form - what the behavior looks like)
Consequence (what happens after the behavior)
How often should you take data?
At least twice a week
Reward or Bribe? - The adult is in control. They decide when and if the reward has been earned.
Reward. In contrast, the child is in control - negotiation is made in exchange for compliance.
Who writes IEP goals?