Who got up for coffee every 10 minutes
Mrs Driscoll
Which Teacher makes us read for hours
Mrs Eugene
Who is cart📺📺ns
Mr Pierre
Who got kidnapped for a month
Darnell T Princess
What do I do in advisory
Cat of the Day/Human of the Day
What Student and Teacher Fought with each other all year
Mrs Lamour and Abigail
What 2 teachers couldn't draw to save their life
Mr. Uncle and That Bald Guy
Who got bands
Who showed up for 1 day
Is this Jeopardy good?
Who went missing for a month
Who is the best singer
Mr Nicky
What sixth grader was fighting with a hacker
Whos gimkit got hacked
Mr Conolly
Who is our merch mascot
Bvla Bird
What Teacher hates when we are Wude
Mr Moore/Mrs Lamour
What teacher smokes in class
Mr Camera
Who does random items of the day
Who is Mr uncle
Mrs Rayn
Who is my LEAST favorite teacher
Mr. Moore/Mrs Lamour
What 8th grader said Mrs Young had a young face
What teacher always has food
Mr Uncle
Who can't sing
Mr Conolly
Who told Me to die already
Mr. Uncle
Who is my pet