
True or false: It is ok to leave your chair out or belongings on the floor when leaving?



What should students be doing when the teacher is talking?

Remaining at a level 0 in their seats, unless directed otherwise. 


What voice level should you be at in the cafeteria?

Level 2, unless directed differently by the adults.


What happens when you get into a fight with someone?

You get a phone call home, a referral, and possibly suspended.


When should you use the bathroom?

Not during learning time unless it is honestly an emergency. You can use it during transition time, in the morning during breakfast, before lunch or at dismissal. 


How should you transition into the hallway?

Walking feet, level 0, and body calm.


What happens when you do not have a pencil?

You can get one from Ms. Ziccardi but it will cost a Z buck or you can borrow from a friend.


What is the building wide call back?

Class class, yes yes


What should you do if other students are not following expectations?

You can tell them how to get back on task, ignore them, or ask them to stop. If none of these work, get an adult to help.


When do you use the pencil sharpener?

Only when your pencil has NO led and you ask permission from the teacher to get up to use it. 


What do you do when there is a fire drill?

Quickly and safely line up at a level 0, walk outside to the safe zone and remain at a level 0 until entering the building.


What should you do with your materials?

Keep them neat and organized in your desk, where they are supposed to go. 


How do you act at dismissal?

Quietly staying in your seat until you are called to dismiss. 


What happens when someone is not following directions, like talking when learning is happening?

It distracts other classmates and work is not getting done. Student receives a warning, if it is not fixed, their name goes on the board and they owe 5 minutes of recess. A name with a check mark owes 10 minutes. More than that is a phone call home and referral. 


What are your "must do" responsibilities in the morning when you come in?

Put your belongings in cubby, harpen 2 pencils, put your take home folder and planner in mailbox, turn in any homework and show Ms. Ziccardi your planner is signed, complete morning work.  


What do you do when someone else is being mean or unsafe to you or others?

Tell them to stop and then get an adult to help handle the situation. 


What are some important skills you need to have when working in your teams?

Being respectful, everyone participates, everyone is on task and following directions, everyones ideas are heard.


What are some behavior expectations for art and PE?

Raise your hand to speak, get permission to move/get up, calm bodies, try your best. 


How should you act on the bus?

Staying in your seat, not being loud, respectful to bus driver and other students. Following directions when told in order to be safe. 


What are your responsibilities at dismissal?

Get folder and planner out of mailbox, fill out planner with homework assignment, put both things in book bag, take a seat and quietly remain at your seat until dismissed. 

When it comes to safety, why is it important to be at a level 0 when the adult asks?

In case of emergencies the teacher needs to hear what's going on and get help.

What is the one statement Ms. Ziccardi dislikes the most?

I can't!


Why is being the leaders of the school so important?

You set the example to the other grades on how to act. You are the role models.


What should you do if you receive a consequence for poor choices and you get upset with your teacher?

Ask to take a break, take some breaths, remember that you can always fix it, don't get disrespectful or yell at the teacher. 

What do you do after you log into your Chromebook?

Put your quick card in the plastic slot on top of your Chromebook. At the end of the day, plug your chromebook into charger in your assigned number. 
