If you need to use the bathroom or grab something that isn't at your desk, what should you do?
What should your voice be in the hallway?
When we walk into a specials location (gym, classroom, ect) how should we be?
Quiet, head to where you need to be, and wait for directions.
When we line up in the hallway for lunch and recess how should we be?
Quiet, facing forward, and getting ready to head to the cafe.
What kind of games should you play?
Games that don't involve violence, weapons, or inappropriate language.
When someone is talking what should you do?
Be quiet, look at the person speaking, respectfully listen, and not play with things on your desk
Should your body be leaning on the walls or sliding down the walls while you are walking?
No because there is art work and posters people make and we don't want to ruin it
When a specials teacher is talking what should you be doing?
Looking at them, listening, body calm, and ready to follow their directions.
When we get to the cafeteria what should you do?
When you pick a seat do you get to change it after you get your food?
Have a seat at a table and wait to be called for food.
Nope, you keep your seat.
Should we exclude others from a game that we are playing?
Not at all, instead we can talk together and make the game work for all
When you have something to say (a question, comment, or concern) what should you do?
Raise your hand and wait to talk
Should you be trying to race others in the hallway?
No, you stay behind the person that is in front of you
When a specials teacher asks you to begin your work or follow directions what do you need to do?
Begin work or follow their directions.
Raise your hand and wait to be called on?
When a situation occurs during recess who should we talk to?
The recess teachers! Please don't wait!
When an adult asks you to complete your work and gives you a direction what should you do?
Follow their direction and complete the work
When we walk by other classes what should we do?
Either smile or wave and stay quiet...no high fives. We want to be role models for others around us.
When a situation occurs while in specials what should you do?
For example: someone says something rude, someone isn't following directions, or you need help
Raise your hand and wait until an adult comes to talk to you.
When we are talking and eating at the table, how should we be?
Any answers that are appropriate will be accepted
When it's time to circle up, what should we do?
Listen and follow directions
If you are feeling overwhelmed, angry, or need a moment to yourself what do you need to do?
Do we throw things in the classroom, yell, refuse to do work, or talk back to an adult?
Ask to go for a walk, use the take a break desk, or take a moment to do something to help you reset.
Not at all. Use our words in a positive and helpful manner.
If there is a situation in the hallway what should you do?
For example: Someone cuts you off, someone is trying to talk to you, something said something not nice to you
Raise your hand and wait for an adult to come and talk to you.
Why do we have specials?
To experience new things, explore other categories besides academics, and keep us healthy mentally or physically!
When its time to clear your trays and get ready to leave how should we be?
Sitting down, body calm, voices off, ready to listen.
What should we do when we come inside from recess?