How many books need to be in the library?
At least 35.
Concept Development
Quality of Feedback
Language Modeling
Instructional Support
Variety of Modalities, Students Interest, Effective Facilitation and Clarity of Learning Objectives
What is Instructional Learning Formats?
"I'm getting out my notebook and getting all of the books ready for us to use."
What is Self-and parallel talk?
Who sets CLASS goals with you?
Your Coach
What are at least two things that need to be displayed in the classroom?
Word Wall, alphabet, Children's names, children's artwork, displays of diversity, menu, schedule, rules, jobs, etc.
The classroom is a well-oiled machine.
Classroom Organization
Teacher places an emphasis on students' interests, motivations, and points of view and encourages student responsibility and autonomy.
What is Regard for Student Perspectives?
During read aloud, the teacher repeatedly reminds the students that they have to sit "criss cross apple sauce"
What is Regard for Student Perspective?
Who all can be observed in the classroom?
Name at least 5 areas in the classroom that need to be an interest center.
Writing, Dramatic Play, Block, Math, Science, Safe Place, Library
Students exhibit better self-regulation in well-regulated classroom environments.
What is Classroom Organization.
The teacher's focus on understanding rather than on rote instruction.
What is Concept Development
The teacher may ask one question and give all 18 students in the classroom an opportunity to respond individually, resulting in the other students having to sit and wait for a long period of time without having anything to do.
What is Maximizing Learning Time?
How many observation cycles are done when your class gets observed?
2/20 minutes cycles
What three areas are represented in the Math Interest area?
Shapes, Measuring, Counting
Emotional Support
Children who are motivated and connected to others in the early years of schooling are much more likely to establish positive trajectories of development in both social and academic domains.What is Emotional Support?
Teacher's ability to provide clear behavioral expectations and use effective methods to prevent and redirect misbehavior.
What is Behavior Management?
"You are really smart, and I know you are going to be able to figure this out."
What is Positive Climate?
What is the point scale for CLASS?
1 being needs stronger interactions
7 teacher shows strong interactions
What are the 5 categories that need to be in the science interest area?
Living things, Natural objects, books, tools and sand and water.
Does not focus on the content of curriculum or learning activities but rather on the ways in which teachers implement whichever curriculum they are using to effectively support cognitive and language development
What is Instructional Support?
Teacher provides feedback to what the student's do or say.
What is Quality of Feedback?
What letter does block start with? When the student doesn't respond, the teacher follows up with, "What sound do you hear at the beginning of block? The student says "block". The teacher responds by saying, "No, just at the beginning of the word, "Nice work; now let's figure out which letter makes the /b/ sounds...
What is Quality of Feedback?
What are the two times of the day that will never be observed?
Rest time and outside time