although I am the youngest of my siblings
What is a dependent clause?
the school year ends on May 22nd
What is an independent clause?
unless she pulls her grade up to a B
What is a dependent clause?
Sarah spends all of her free time watching Netflix
What is an independent clause?
After the game ended
What is a dependent clause?
Sally and Andrew moved to Trussville from Atlanta
What is an independent clause?
Justin stared down at the floor
What is an independent clause?
because we used to be friends
What is a dependent clause?
shaken and scared
What is a phrase?
Ms. Wilges' parents got a new puppy
What is an independent clause?
my English teacher
What is a phrase?
when we were kids
What is a dependent clause?
my son's best friend
What is a phrase?
while the crowd waited patiently
What is a dependent clause?
each person was entered into the giveaway
What is an independent clause?
running and jumping
What is a phrase?
skipping down the street
What is a phrase?
the first month of summer
What is a phrase?
asking for permission
What is a phrase?
unless my 3:30 appointment is moved
What is a dependent clause?
because he managed to save up for a car
What is a dependent clause?
before there were computers
What is a dependent clause?
as soon as she got off work
What is a dependent clause?
before we went to the movie theater
What is a dependent clause?
the dogs ran toward the lake
What is an independent clause?