The clamorous 6th graders received demerits for being _________.
What was the main reason ancient Roman actors wore masks?
To show what character they were portraying.
Ego sum coquus.
I am a cook.
1st Declension - story/play
The teacher did not speak audibly, so the students did not ________.
Hear / listen.
Puella ambulat.
Puellae ambulant.
What genre was a Roman farce?
Tu audis fabulam?
Do you hear the play?
2nd Declension - slave/servant
Animals that adapt to urban environments can live in _________.
Argentarius pecuniam habet.
Argentariī pecuniam habent.
Give three facts about an ancient Roman pantomime.
The actors had no dialogue and mimed the action, there was music played, it was similar to a ballet or opera, the stories were about greek and roman myths
Euge! Hodie canis meus adest.
Hooray! Today my dog is here.
3rd Declension - old man
The jokes in the movie were very juvenile, so everyone knew it was meant for _____________.
Children / young people
Multus cibus est in villa.
Multī cibī sunt in villa.
Who was the patron or patroness of a play? Why would they do this?
They were the wealthy citizen that paid for the play to be put on. They would do this so that they could influence people to vote for them in elections.
Eheu! Leōnēs petunt senem!
Oh no! The lions attack an old man!
American flags are ubiquitous in the United States. They are ____________.
Puer respondet.
Puerī respondent.
We know the names of two actors from ancient Pompeii because of graffiti. Their names appeared in one of the Latin stories we read in our textbook. Can you name them?
Sorex and Actius.
Optimī actorēs sunt fēminae!
The best actors are women!
2nd Declension - boy