The major categories of skills and the skills within each category are in this report.
The Continuum Report
This is how you know what to teach in the small group.
This should always be written on the board at/near the front of the room.
Objective/Learning Intention
All of the TEKS can be found in this resource.
TEKS Resource System
This is the behavior strategy that should be posted in every room for every situation. It should be emphasized at the beginning of the year.
This report helps break down the students for each group.
The Class Breakdown by Instructional Area, RIT, or Proficiency Report.
This is an independent activity students will do while other students are doing independent practice and teacher directed small group.
Exact Path
This helps keep the weekly assessment aligned with what is being taught in the classroom.
Grade Level Planning
This describes working together to develop lessons and strategies to ensure student success.
This must be done within small groups to support various levels of learners.
This report shows the students individual RIT scores.
Class Report (Beta)
What strategy do we use to determine what other skills are necessary in order to teach a TEK?
Unpack the TEKS
This is a process that assures students get their work when they are absent.
Make Up Work Process
This is how many grades teachers are required to have each 9 weeks.
Teachers are required to have 12 grades for reading, 12 grades for writing. There should be 3 major grades for each subject - reading and writing.
This is a test that we take at the beginning, middle, and end of the year, and it provides important data for small grouping.
This report tells you what the students are ready to learn and what level on which they are currently learning.
The Continuum Report
This is when lesson plans are due.
Wednesday by midnight
Students need to make this up when they are absent on a Thursday.
Weekly Assessment
Teachers are required to update this every week because it helps the parents know what the student is doing every week in class.
Teacher WAG
This must be replenished with new copies after you return from an absence.
Sub Plans
This report shows the individual Rit scores and it states which skills the student is ready to develop.
The Individual Student Profile
This is the amount of time spent in the small group.
20 Minutes
This document can help a teacher determine how to teach a particular TEK and to know what questions to ask students.
TEKS Clarification Document in TEKs Resource System.
On this document, you can find the essential questions, vocabulary, and misconceptions.
TEKS focus Document
This software can be found in Clever and can be used to monitor student work on Chromebooks while you are small grouping.
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