Stages 1 & 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5

est pater

quis est Caecilius? 

He is the father.


est venalicius. laborat in portu. vendit ancillam. navem Syriam habet.

quis est Syphax?

He is a slave-dealer. He works in the harbor/port/ He sells the slave-girl. He has a Syrian ship.


in foro laborat. in foro argentariam habet. 

quis est Caecilius. 

[He works in the forum. He has a banker's stall in the forum]


Caecilius et Metella ad theatrum ambulant. Clemens et Melissa ad theatrum currunt. ______ in villa manet.

quis est Grumio? 

[C & M walk to the theater. C & M run to the theater. Grumio stays in the house.] 


This reindeer's name begins with a V.

Who is Vixen?


in culina cantat et pavonem coquit.

quis est Grumio?

[He sings in the kitchen and cooks peacock]


magnum servum quaerit. Syphax magnum servum habet sed ________ non est contentus. videt Melissam. est valde contentus! ancilla ________ delectat. 

quis est Caecilius? 

[He is looking for a big slave. Syphax has a big slave but Caecilius is not content. He sees Melissa. He is very content. The slave-girl pleases/delights Caecilius.]


est mercator probus. habet navem sed navis est in Graecia. pecuniam quaerit. 

quis est Hermogenes? 

[He is an honest merchant. He has a ship but the ship is in Greece. He is looking for money.]


______ prope ianuam stat. amicum exspectat. 

inquit: "ubi est Grumio? eheu! Lucrio est in villa!"

quis est Poppaea? 

[P stands near the door. She waits for her friend

She says: "where is Grumio? oh dear! Lucrio is in the house!"]


This reindeer's name begins with a "B".

Who is Blitzen?


est filia.

quis est Lucia? 

She is the daughter.


______ sedet in sella. novaculam intente spectat. est perterritus quod (=because) tonsor est iratus! 

quis est senex? 

[The old-man sits in the chair. He looks at the razor intently. He is scared because the barber is angry]


pecuniam capit et ex foro currit. 

quis est Hermogenes? 

[He takes the money and runs out of the forum]


_____ inquit, "Salve, meae deliciae! ubi est Lucrio? 

Poppaea inquit: "Lucrio abest." ______ inquit: "euge! EUGE!"

quis est Grumio? 

[Grumio inquit, "Hello, my delight! Where is Lucrio?" Poppaea says, "Lucrio is away." Grumio says, "HURRAY!"]


In the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas" this is given on the 10th day.

What are ten lords-a-leaping?


est amicus. Caecilium visitat. in triclinio pavonem consumit et vinum bibit. 

quis est mercator? 

He is a friend. He visits Caecilius. He eats peacock and drinks wine in the dining room. 


_______ est artifex. in triclinio picturam pingit. Hercules est in pictura. leo ferox quoque est in pictura. 

quis est Clara? 

[Clara is an artist. She paints a picture in the dining room. Hercules is in the picture. A ferocious lion also is in the picture.]


____ dicit: "satis! satis! tu Hermogenem accusas sed tu rem non probas.: 

quis est iudex? 

[The judge says, "enough! enough! You charge Hermogenes but you do not prove your case.]


_____________ est semisomnus in horto. Poppaea est irata. 

quis est Lucrio? 

[Lucrio est 1/2 asleep in the garden. Poppaea is angry.]


This cartoon character brings a tiny, little tree to his friends to decorate.

Who is Charlie Brown?


salit in mensa et latrat. 

quis est Cerberus? 

[He jumps on the table and barks]


Melissa, quamquam (=although) est docta, est pulchra, cenam optimam parat, et linguam Latinam discit, ________________ non delectat. 

quis est Metella? 

[Melissa, although she is educated, she is pretty, she prepares an excellent dinner, and she is learning Latin, she does not please Metella.]


dicit: "Hermogenes est probus. Hermogenes pecuniam non debet. Caecilius est mendax!"

quis est amicus/testis? (either is correct)

[H est honest. H doesn't owe money. C is a liar.]


_________ est candidatus. ___________ in theatro fabulam dat. 

quis est Priscus?

[P est a candidate. P gives/puts on a play in the theater.] 


The Grinch stole all of the presents from this town.

What is WhoVille?
