In restaurants, customers usually give their server (waiter/waitress) extra money. This extra money is also called a "___"
Which of the following is not a statuatory (stat) holiday: - BC day - Remembrance Day - Thanksgiving Day - Halloween - Canada Day
What is the most eastern province in Canada?
What 2 pieces information should you NEVER include on your resume?
SIN, age, marital status, photo
What term is used to describe money that is subtracted from your total earnings?
What is the minimum wage in BC?
Karuna has worked with the same employer for more than 3 years. She must get at least _______ weeks vacation each year.
At least 2 weeks vacation.
You should also write this one page document to go along with your resume. It is usually the first thing employers read, and your chance to make a good first impression.
Cover Letter
The amount of money a person makes before deductions is commonly called their "_______" pay
Gross pay
In BC, workers must be paid how often?
Every two weeks, unless covered by a mutually agreed contract stating otherwise.
If you work over the hours scheduled, your employer is not required to pay you the extra hours worked.
True or False
False! They must pay you for all hours worked.
What are the 2 official languages of Canada?
French and English
Explain the difference between stocks and mutual funds.
Mutual funds are created by an expert fund manager who maintains control of how it is invested.
Stocks can be purchased individually or in clumps in the amounts decided by the purchaser.
The amount of money a person takes-home, after deductions, is called their "_____" pay
Net pay
Name 2 ways that an employer can pay a worker.
cash, cheque, direct deposit
You and Jenny use the same till at the store where you work. When the manager counts the till at the end of the day, it is short $100 dollars. The manager says you can each cover $50 to make up the difference. Is this okay? Why or why not?
No! You can not be required to cover shortages at work. Those are considered the cost of doing business and are the employer's responsibility.
Who is the Prime Minister of Canada?
Justin Trudeau
What type of account is only useable by someone else, rather than the person who contributed?
Registered Education Savings Plan
This mandatory deduction is used to pay you if you are laid off or need to take a leave (maternity, paternity, sick).
Employment Insurance (EI)
Identify 3 items that MUST be on a paystub.
Name, pay rate, pay period, net pay, gross pay, deductions, CPP, EI, tax, hours worked
Latifah is expecting her first baby. She has been working at the bank for 3 years. How much time can she take off work?
Up to 52 weeks (includes 15 weeks maternity leave and 37 weeks parental leave)
Name the 3 groups commonly referred to as Aboriginal Peoples in Canada Hint: F____ N_____ I______ M_______
First Nations Inuit Metis
What type of account uses pre-tax contributions to save you tax in the year you contribute?
Registered Retirement Savings Plan
This mandatory deduction is held until you retire and used to supplement your retirement income.
Canadian Pension Plan