How many pounds of CO2 can power plants not release over? (closest wins)
What year did the Clean Air Act start?
What does the Clean Air Act do?
Authorized research into techniques for monitoring and controlling air pollution.
How has the Clean Air Act Positively effected humans?
Brought down sickness and Air born disease
When the Clean Air Act was first established every company was expected to bring their pollution down by what percent each year?
What year did the Clean Air Act get a new bill?
What president signed off on the Clean Air act?
Richard Nixon
One of the diseases caused by unclean air is?
Cancer, Heart disease, Respiratory disease, kidney and liver disease, and skin disease.
For violating this act you can face up to what amount of money in fines?
The Clean Air Act got a new Modern revision in what year?
What was Congress main intention for the Clean Air Act?
To minimize pollution increases from growing numbers of motor vehicles and from new or expanded stationary sources (i.e., power plants, industrial plants, and other facilities that are not mobile).
The Clean Air Act increased what?
One revision added to the Clean Air Act in 1990?
Promotes new forms of fuel including low-sulfur fuel, natural gas, and Technology.
What year did Jimmy Carter revise the Clean Air Act?
What Act was mainly used for pollution before the clean air act?
The Air Pollution Control Act
How much money have the Clean Air Act programs made overall?
4 trillion
Name one of the main 6 pollutants kept under control?
Ozone (O3), Particulate Matter (pm), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), and Lead (Pb).
What year did the Clean Air Act pass congress?
The Clean Air Act is the first to focus on what type of pollution?
Motor vehicle
One of the bills put in by the Clean Air Act has saved how much money in economic damages?
63 billion dollars