T/F: You can make your own cleaning products
What is yes?
When you finish sweeping, you should put the dust in this
What is dust pan?
This item makes floor shiny
What is a mop?
T/F: You should leave your clothes in the washer for a full day after it finishes
What is false?
T/F: Decluttering is good for your mental health?
What is true
Stain remover is used for what?
What is get stains out of items?
T/F: When mopping you should mop your way out?
What is true?
This item gets crumbs of hardwood floors
What is a broom?
This item makes sure that your clothes stay soft
What is fabric softener?
T/F: some insurances pay for cleaning services
What is true?
When you need to clean your windows and mirrors, you might use this product
What is glass cleaner?
You should do this before mopping
What is sweep?
This item removes dust
What is a feather duster?
You should do this after washing your clothes, if you don't want to use a dryer
What is hang dry your clothes?
You should do this before you wash particularly messy dishes
What is rinse and soak?
When you need to clean counters, floors, and walls, you might use this type of cleaner
What is all purpose cleaner?
When mopping, your water temperature should be:
What is hot/warm?
This item cleans dishes
What is a sponge?
You should do this to prevent a fire hazard in your dryer
What is clean the lint tray?
If you mix yellow and red, you get this color
What is orange?
T/F: When you use a dishwasher, you should put dish soap in it
What is false?
You should use dishwasher specific soap
There are two types of mops, spaghetti and this type?
What is sponge?
This item keeps your clothing clean
What is a washer?
You should make sure your white and colors are separate in the washer under these conditions
What is using hot water?
This is the state bird of Utah
What is a seagull?