Tasks of the trial run & ramp up
57 & 70
When is immediately rejected the trial run?
When severity is 3 (safety or customer impact)
Who is responsible to run the ramp up? what is the scope
The APU mgr plans and execute the ramp up (space, people, resourses and fills the template)
Who is responsible for defining a Project's QCD objectives ?
Product Line Manager (PLM) or Director (PLD)
What is the concept 2S2F?
Simple, Solid, Reliable and easy do
Who approves the trial run
PGM or APU mgr
Is allowed to approve the task with open actions? why?
Yes, if severity is 2 or 1. The action plan must be robust and due dates before the APP.
Where the APU mgr nees to apporve the ramp up and trial run?
In the portal using the versioning option.
What are the topics to report in the CLI02 monthly rerport?
Trial run, APP and PSW run on time and acceptance at 1st time.
What is a Poka Yoke?
Poka yoke can be on the product or the process. Failure can not happen.
When it’s physically impossible to make a wrong assembly.
What is the maximum scrap allowed
How many task are apporve though the trial run template? which ones?
3. Trial run, APP, Ramp up
In extrusio is necesary to run the TR and Ramp up per reference?
No meanwhile the construction is the same, we can change lenght as much as we want with no need to run the tasks 57 and 70.
What is a Special Characteristic?
Product/process characteristic that could affect:
Safety, functionality/performance or regulation.
How do you calculate the takt time?
Open Working time / customer demand
Takt Time is the maximum time available to produce one part in order to meet customer demand.
Pieces per hour must be respected in the trial run?
for automatic processes (injection machine) yes but for manual (assy) it could be low than the target. No topic to reject the trial run meanwhile the qty is not far away from the objective (APU mgr decision)
Where to document the action plan?
In the same file of ramp up is the tab for the action plan, not necessary to open a QRQC.
When is necessary a reverse FMEA?
At the trial run (tech group) and in mass production (Production team)
What are the mandatory things to consider in the ECR action plan?
Trial run of the change/modification.
Audit from Quality (plant or PL)
PSW (acceptance of the change: customer/quality)
What is the economic batch?
Who approves the APP taks in the trial run template?
Yes, depending of the process. Ex. In extrusion the APU mgr can accept an OEE of 70% if is the case of the construction.
What are the prices and cost followed through the project?
PVS minimum selling price
PVR Actual selling price
PRO Target costo (in production)
PRP Projected cost
PRC Actual cost (mass production)
What is the Master Plan?
Is together the quantity of all resources needed (Machintes, tools, operators, etc) and schedule of implementation.