Attendance & Points
School Sheets
Program Rules
When do you need to notify your counselor that you will be absent, have an appointment, or will be late to program?
What is Immediately
If you need a prompt from staff to turn in your school sheet, does that effect your points?
What is Yes
How many "initial goals" do you create with your counselor on Orientation Level?
What is 3
Are you allowed to use bathrooms on other floors of this building?
What is No
Does it still count as having your phone turned off when you check in if you have to turn it off before handing it to staff?
What is No
How many days can a client be absent before a doctor's note is required?
What is 2 days
Name 3 categories on the school sheet
What is (class name, on time to class, appropriate behavior, on task in class, yesterday's homework complete, is there homework tonight, teacher comments/homework, teacher signature)
On level 3 you need to find a volunteer or community service opportunity and complete how many hours to advance?
What is 25 hours
What is the proper method for putting your things away after study hall/free time AND how is that different at the end of the day?
What is Stacked neatly on your assigned chair AND in your locker
What is a SIR?
What is Serious Incident Report
How are points earned (i.e. what do points depend on)?
What is By completing activities (on-task, without redirection, etc.) & your relationships (how you interact during program)
What should you do if you forgot/ran out of school sheets?
What is Make your own and inform your counselor
What is a SMART goal and give 1 example for a SMART goal that is appropriate for your level
What is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
What is the proper procedure for checking-in when you arrive at program?
What is Greet staff, sign in, turn in electronics and school sheet, ask to put things in locker/on chair, ask to wash up if it's snack time, ask to get your journal if it's study hall
Name 2 kinds of inappropriate dress for GOP
What is (multiple: visible bra straps, crop tops, etc.)
True/False: You can take whatever mode of transportation you'd like or stop along the way to/from program
What is False
Can teachers write dashes or leave boxes blank on school sheets?
What is No. Teachers must write: yes, no, n/a, etc. in the boxes
*DAILY DOUBLE* How many weeks are each level? (DOUBLE POINTS if you answer which levels = Phase 1 and which levels = Phase 2)
What is Orientation = 4 weeks, Level 1 - 4 = 6 weeks, Level 5- After Care = 4 weeks
What kinds of things are not allowed in program? Even if they're in your backpack.
What is Phones/electronics that aren't yours, food/drinks, drugs (even drugs that are prescribed to you, you must talk to your counselor before), alcohol, aerosol cans (hairspray), weapons of any kind, things from individuals outside of program to "pass" to other clients, large amounts of money (over $20)
What days of week are you allowed to work on Level 4?
What is Thursdays, Weekends (NEVER during school or program time)
Name at least 5 areas for which you can earn points
What is (multiple)
How many points are your school sheets worth?
What is 20-25 points depending on your level (that's as much as 20% of your day!)
What is accountability and how does it relate to moving up levels at GOP?
What is "To take responsibility for your own actions." As you move up GOP levels you are expected to take greater accountability both inside and outside program
What is confidentiality and what are some of the ways you are expected to practice confidentiality at GOP?
What is The protection of personal and private information. In groups, your peers inclusion in GOP, etc.
What kinds of things can get you placed on SIR?
What is Not going straight home from GOP, stealing from GOP,