HIPAA Privacy & Security Rules
More Scenarios

Ridiculing a client for drug use relapse violates this right.

What is a violation of the right to be treated with consideration and respect for personal dignity, autonomy, and privacy?


These must be put in writing; however, a client may submit them in verbal form. No time limit has been established for filing, but clients are encouraged to file as soon as possible after alleged violations.

What is a grievance?


Personal Health Information (PHI) includes all of these.

What are client's demographics (name, date of birth, social security number, driver's license number, etc...) past, present, and future medical condition, services confirmation, type of payment for services, and any description that could link to the client? 


A case manager asks his brother-in-law to deliver a mattress to a client's home. This is unacceptable because of this.

What is violating HIPAA by sharing the client's home address?


A new Peer Recovery Supporter was previously a sponsor to individuals in a recovery program and has social media connections to them. The new employee can no longer sponsor or have them on social media because this conflict is created.

What is an overlapping role or dual relationship with clients?


Forcing a client to participate in SUD treatment violates this right.

What is a violation of the right to give informed consent to refuse any service, treatment, or therapy, including medication absent an emergency?


Alyssa Wren is in this role that focuses on protecting the rights of clients and their families.

Who is the Client Advocate?


Personally Identifiable Information (PII) allows someone to do this.

What is information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individuals identity?


A behavioral health worker is discussing a client with her supervisor on her cell phone and completing her notes on her computer while sitting at a busy coffee shop. This behavior is unacceptable because of this.

What is a violation of HIPAA because of the potential for client information to be overheard or seen?


A therapist emailed a finance team member to follow up with a billing code question regarding a client. When the finance team responded, a list of several clients was sent with social security numbers. This is considered this type of violation for this reason.

What is a HIPAA because the social security numbers were shared when only a billing code was needed for one specific client?


Restraining a client without imminent risk of physical harm violates this right.

What is a violation of the right to freedom from unnecessary restraint or seclusion unless there is immediate risk of physical harm to self or others?


Contacting the Client Advocate can be done using these methods.

What is phone, U.S. Mail, email, or in person?

202 E Bagley Rd Berea, OH  44017 



PHI and PII can be found here.

What are client files, personnel files, participant data sets, financial records, performance reports, program evaluations, releases of information, client lists and appointment schedules, grant and contracts files, and other sources? 


From this overheard conversation, "He was really agitated....yes, his mom wasn't sure if she should call his school or the cops...she was shaken up because his dad is in jail....do you know if there is an officer located at Parma Elementary?" someone already knows this information. 

What is the approximate age, gender, parental unit status, and specific elementary school the child attends?


Disclosing a client's personal health information without a ROI violates this right.

What is a violation of the right to confidentiality of communications and PII within the limitations and requirements for disclosure of client information under state and federal regulations?


This is the first step that occurs after a client has filed a grievance with the Client Advocate.

What is the client receives a written acknowledgement of receipt of grievance and a description of the process that will follow within 3 days?


Consult your supervisor and this resource when in doubt about any policies relating to client rights and grievance procedures.


An agency employee transitions to a position where they have no client contact. Six months into their new role, they decide to check up on some of their former clients. While motivated by good intentions, this is not acceptable for this reason.

What is a violation of HIPAA?


Client filed a complaint with their therapist's supervisor, and a few weeks later, the client noticed a change in the relationship with the worker. The employee failed to schedule sessions in a timely manner and was unresponsive to several messages.

What is a violation of the right to exercise one's own rights without reprisal and the right to file a grievance?


Employee was belittled and ridiculed by their supervisor during a team meeting. The employee did not communicate their feelings to the supervisor and fell behind in their work because of embarrassment. This situation would be handle by this group.

What is the human resources department?


A staff member finishes an art project and snaps a picture with a client and posts it to her social media account. The staff member is in violation of HIPAA for this reason.

What is taking pictures of clients and posting on social media?
