Areas that have similar average temperatures and precipitation throughout.
What are climate zones?
Gets at least 150 cm of precipitation each year.
What is the tropical climate zone?
Affects the environment of different climate zones.
What is precipitation and temperature?
The higher the elevation, the colder __________.
What is temperature?
Forests with tall trees and lots of rain, known for their high humidity levels and high temperatures.
What are rainforests?
Located between the tropical and polar zones.
What are the temperate climate zones?
Typically has warm to hot temperatures all year round with a lot of precipitation.
What is the tropical climate zone?
A measure of how far north or south an area is from the equator.
What is latitude?
The top of a mountain is similar to a polar climate zone, so it receives less ____________.
What is precipitation?
An environment characterized by high temperatures and low humidity?
What is a desert?
Includes the areas of Earth near the North and South poles and farthest from the equator.
What are the polar climate zones?
Summers are often warm or hot. Winters are often cold and stormy.
What is the temperate climate zone?
Climate zones at low latitudes are hotter because they receive _______________.
What is more sunlight?
Areas close to large bodies of water receive more ___________.
What is precipitation?
A cold and dry climate with short cool summers, long extremely cold winters, and receives a little precipitation, usually in the form of snow.
What is the tundra?
Extends about 1,600 miles on both sides of the equator.
What are the tropical climate zones?
The average temperature in the warmest month is less than 10 °C (50 °F).
What is the polar climate zone?
Climate zones at high latitudes are colder because they receive _______________.
What is less sunlight?
Areas close to large bodies of water have cooler ___________.
What is temperature?
At the bottom it might be 80 degrees and sunny, but as elevation increases it will get colder, and it might rain. At the peak it might be snowing and freezing cold. In fact, the temperature drops about 3 degrees every 1,000 feet in elevation.
What is a mountain?
Includes much of North America, Europe, and Asia.
What are the temperate climate zones?
A dry area with less than 25 cm of precipitation a year, most of which occurs during the summer.
What is the polar climate zone?
The height of an area above sea level.
What is elevation?
Inland regions have _____________ and __________.
What is less precipitation and warm weather?
Found all over the world, usually in low-level areas and along rivers, lakes, and streams. Can be temporary, or seasonal and occur for a short while and then dry up until they are refilled by water.
What are wetlands?