What historical event in the 1800s caused average global temperatures to increase drastically?
The Industrial Revolution
How do you say "Greenhouse" in Spanish?
What is the meaning of "weather forecast" in Spanish?
Pronóstico del tiempo
How do you say "refugio" in English?
Fossil fuels are a renewable resource.
True or Falsle
Why is the increase of Greenhouse gasses a big issue?
It causes climate change and increase in the global temerature
True or False: Climate change refers to SHORT-TERM fluctuations in weather patterns.
False. Climate change refers to LONG-TERM shifts in global or regional climate patterns.
What is the term for the process by which solar radiation is trapped by the Earth's atmosphere, leading to an increase in global temperatures?
The greenhouse effect.
What are 3 examples of fossil fuels?
Oil, coal and gas
The average weather for a region over a long period of time is. _______________.
What are the names of the four forms of future in grammar?
Future simple, "going to", present simple and present continuous.
What is the name of the game where you have to balance the ecosystem of a lake?
What is the main gas that causes the greenhouse effect?
Carbon dioxide
What is the name of this game?
What is the name of the card game we played in an early session?
Before the storm
Name three phrases in English used to convey an argument.
“To take another example”
“The main issue is”
“According to”
Burning these contributes to global warming.
Burning fossil fuels
How do you say "huella de carbono" in English?
Carbon footprint
How can global warming cause sea levels to rise?
Melting glaciers and ice caps
How much does the global temperature of the Earth has to rise for all coral reefs to disappear?
Who is the singer of the song All the Good Girls Go to Hell
Billie Eilish
What do we call the act in cutting down trees and other shrubbery.
Name four possible solutions for reducing the greenhouse effect.
Eliminating food waste, empowering girls & women, renewable energy, and eating a plant-based diet.
What will happen with a 1.5ºC rise in global temperature?
Some coral reefs will disappear
6 percent of insect species will disappear
18.5 percent of people will be affected by heatwaves
What is the main source of methane emissions that contributes to climate change?
Agriculture, particularly livestock farming (cattle, sheep, etc.), as well as landfills.