Greenhouse effect
Human impact

What is the difference between weather and climate?

Weather explains the temperature, humidity, rain, wind on particular day and place. 

Climate describes weather conditions of a particular place, averaged over a period of time based on data.


Name 3 different consequences of climate change

•Species Distribution

•Health and Disease

•Extreme weather conditions

•Rising temperatures

•Changing sea levels

•Coral bleaching


List three human activities contributing to climate change


•Burning of fossil fuels




•Invasive species


What is climate change mitigation?

Refers to actions that work to reduce the production of greenhouse gases, or that increase the rate of greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere.


Where can solar radiation go when it reaches the earths atmosphere?

Either is absorbed or released into space.


What is coral bleaching? Why is this dangerous?

Carbon dioxide absorbed in the ocean, causing the water pH to lower, increasing its acidity as a result and bleaching the coral disrupting habitats. 


What is deforestation and why is it such a negative to the environment?

clearing away wide areas of trees to harvest wood or to use the land. 

Destroys habitats, affects rural communities, alters weather patterns, photosynthesis cannot occur.


Who used the method of Biochar and why is it useful?

- Method used by First Nations People

- Stored in soil, controlling the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when plants decay.


Name 3 different greenhouse gases. 

Methane, carbon dioxide, water vapour, ozone, nitrous oxide, CFC's, HFC's 


What is the main role of snow and ice in the hydrosphere?

To reflect solar radiation back into space


Burning these things releases greenhouse gasses

Burning fossil fuels


What does DACCS stand for?

Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage


What do greenhouse gas molecules do? 

They absorb some of the energy, trapping it in the energy and emit it into the atmosphere, heating up the earth. 


What happens when the amount of snow/ice decreases?

As the amount of snow/ice decreases, the solar radiation will be absorbed by the geosphere and hydrosphere will increase leading to rising sea levels as well as an increase in the rate of global warming as more heat energy is absorbed.


Describe two problems associated with the overuse of fertilizers

- Pollutes water ways causing disruption of natural ecosystems

- Cause algal blooms in the ocean


List some ways that greenhouse gases can be mitigated

•Reducing number of trips in cars and aero planes

•Reduce consumption of electricity generated by coal

•Reduce human consumption  of red meat – opting for plant based substitutes

•Increasing awareness of the effects of climate change (Education)

•Reforestation (planting new trees and vegetation) 


Why is the ENHANCED greenhouse effect dangerous? Do we need the greenhouse effect?

Enhanced greenhouse gas effect explains that the energy from the sun being absorbed by the earth is not in balance with the energy that is being released back out, trapping more energy in, causing temperature to increase (global warming)

Greenhouse gas effect is important for survival on earth - would be too cold for survival.

How do higher temperatures increase health and disease?

Due to increasing temperatures, heatwaves are lasting longer, causing people to become dehydrated and therefore putting strain on their hearts and experience sleep deprivation.


True or False:
Small changes in large ocean currents can produce changes in marine life and climate.



Why would it be important for to model climate change?

It can help predict how we can reduce the impact of climate change.
