What is Nitrogen?
What is the most abundant gas in our atmosphere?
36 billion metric tons of Co2
How many tons of Co2 are emitted each year
The result of ice melting and its impact on global sea levels
what is sea level?
Your carbon footprint shows you how much you contribute to the global warming.
What is a carbon footprint?
Gases trapped in the atmosphere
What are greenhouse gases?
This is a chemical that causes air pollution.
What is carbon dioxide?
Ice that forms and melts annually, shrinking at an alarming rate in the Arctic
What is sea level rise?
Taking the train or other public transportation options have the lowest impact on your carbon footprint.
Which transport has the lowest carbon footprint?
The water body, the smallest and shallowest, surrounds the Arctic region
What is the Arctic Ocean?
Air quality index tells us how polluted the air is 24/7
How does the AQI help people?
An element, abundant in our bodies, moves from living thing to living thing when eaten, in decaying animals and plants, can turn into fossil fuel over millions of years, atomic number is 6, atomic mass is 12.01, symbol is "C" and tons more
What is carbon?
The loss of this floating ice can accelerate global warming
What is albedo effect (loss of albedo)?