What is one major type of carbon pricing?
A) Carbon taxing
B) Cap and Trade
What are the four main structures of climate policy?
Carbon Pricing, Standards, Investment, & Justice
Which policy is the best to implement?
All of them!
What is an example of an international climate policy?
The Paris Agreement
Which groups are most impacted by climate change?
Low-income groups & people of color
Was the Paris Agreement a national or international policy?
Are international and national policies the same?
Is there still hope for the earth?
What do climate standards do?
Set a standard that industries / parties involved must meet.
How does carbon taxing work?
Governments put a tax on a stage of fossil fuel or other carbon releasing processes.
It is an international treaty, yet it requires countries to set their own national climate goals.
In the Paris Agreement, all 196 countries agreed to take action regardless of what?
Economic status and historical contribution to emissions
What is the ultimate goal of setting a cap?
Name 2 of the 4 ways you can make a difference in the climate change crisis
Raise awareness, voting, reducing energy usage, stay informed
Why should you learn about climate policies?
By learning and understanding climate policies, you can be a better advocate for them.
What did the European Green Deal accomplish?
A reduction in emissions and renewable energy share
What gas is making the greatest total contribution to earths increasing average global temperature?
What was the name of the climate state policy in Florida?
Florida Climate Action Plan
Define what an international climate policy is.
Collective agreements, frameworks, and actions taken by countries, organizations, and institutions to address and mitigate the effects of climate change.
An international agreement to phase out potent GHGs called hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
What percent of revenue collected in Canada's Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act goes back to citizens?
What is the name of the cap and trade example policy we discussed?
European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
How are permits distributed in cap and trade?
Governments auction them and set up a market for companies to trade permits
What is the goal of the Paris Agreement(2015)?
Keep global temperature from rising below 2° C
What ranking is Florida for solar energy capacity in the United States?