What are the temperatures like in the Oceanic Climate?
Mild; 25° C in summer and 11 in winter
What is the precipitation like in typical Mediterranean climate?
Scarce and irregular
Where is dry Mediterranean climate found in Spain?
In the southeast in the provinces of Alicante, Murcia, Almeria, and Melilla
What is the temperature like in inland Mediterranean climate zones?
Extreme; very cold in winter and hot in summer
What are the temperatures in subtropical climate zones?
Mild all year round
In the north of the Peninsula Iberica
What are the temperatures like in the typical Mediterranean climate?
Mild winters and hot summers
What is the temperature like in dry Mediterranean zones?
High all year round
Where is the inland Mediterranean climate zone?
On the meseta central, in the depression del ebro and other inland areas of the peninsula iberica
When is the temperature slightly higher in subtropical zones?
During summer
What is precipitation like in the Oceanic climate?
Abundant all year round
Where is the typical Mediterranean climate found in Spain?
Along the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of Andalucia, in the south of extremedura and Castilla La Mancha
What is precipitation like in dry Mediterranean climate zones?
Very scarce
What is precipitation like in inland Mediterranean climate zones?
Scarce and irregular
What is precipitation like in subtropical climate zones?
Scarce all year
What is one example of an influence of oceanic climate?
the Atlantic Ocean, cantabrian sea, or the mountain ranges in the area
When does most of the rainfall occur in typical Mediterranean climate zones?
Spring and autumn
When does rainfall typically occur in dry Mediterranean climate zones?
In winter and autumn
When are there droughts in inland Mediterranean zones?
During summer
What area is precipitation higher in in subtropical climate zones?
In mountain areas