Big holds that are easy to grab
You wear this device around your waist and legs to keep you secure when you climb high walls
Using the friction on the sole of the climbing shoe to stick to the rock where there are no foot holds
Alex Honnold
A less than vertical piece of rock that usually has poor hand and footholds.
A Slab
The smallest type of hold that you can only use the tips of your fingers on
Many climbers spread this material on their hands before they climb
A move where the climber jumps from one hold to the next
Silence 9c creator
Adam Ondra
The type of knot you use to tie the rope into your harness
A figure eight
A large, rounded hold that is often difficult to grab.
The belayers uses this in order to remove the slack, to catch a fall and to lower the climber
Belay Device
A technique where a climber hangs upside down from their feet
Goated climber (with the most aura)
Magnus Midtbo
The the name of the section of a climbing route between the start of a climb and the anchor.
A type of hold that you grab by sticking your fingers into a hole on.
A metal loop with a gate that is used by climbers to connect their various gear componets
Pressing feet and hands against walls on opposite sides in a stable position requiring a lot of friction
Alex Megos
Climbing a route first try
A hold that you grab with your palm facing away from you and you thumb pointed down
A portable tent system that can be set up on the side of a cliff
When a climber pushes down on a ledge like if they were getting out of a swimming pool
Canadian subject of the documentary "The Alpinist"
Marc-Andre Leclerc
Most goated mountain range?
Patagonia duhhh