NH CE Overview
CE Overview/Student Responsibilities
Student Responsibilities and Guidelines
Clinical Placement/Clinical Faculty
Clinical Placement Considerations
Student Expectations

The NH Clinical Education team program consists of the following individuals (names/titles) 

Who are Tara White Director of Clinical Education (DCE), Olga McSorley DCE and Jeannie Perry Program Coordinator II?


____ can be your grade for a full-time clinical experience

What is either pass or fail? 


The following individual is responsible for the costs associated with clinical education experiences. 

What is the student? 


CAPTE (Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education) has 3 criteria that all DPT programs must meet for full-time clinical experiences. They are...

What is that students are prepared to practice in clinical settings that reflect:

1) The scope of PT practice

2) Lifespan (children to elder adults) 

3) Continuum of care


Who the "no-contact rule" applies to.

Who are YOU, your friends & family, and the site and clinical education faculty of other programs? 


____ number of days off are built into your clinical education schedule

What is zero?


You will have at minimum _____ full-time clinical experiences when you graduate. 

What is 4?


The grade for your full-time clinical experience is determined by this individual.

What is the DCE? 


Maintaining all requirements are up-to-date throughout enrollment in the FPU DPT program ensures you maintain compliance with _____ and the  ______

What is Exxat and clinical education requirements? 


The 5 rights and/or privileges clinical faculty obtain when they accept an FPU-DPT student for a full-time clinical experience. 

What are:

1) Provision of seminars and inservices to clinical education sites (DCE/PT faculty)

2) Use of the FPU Library databases and IRB for research projects

3) Consultation with academic faculty for research, clinical education, or clinical projects

4) Attend continuing ed courses provided by FPU faculty by invitation, and

5) Attend NECCE Clinical Faculty Institute events?


After being placed for a clinical experience the student has _____ time frame to cancel this and request a different site.

What is No time frame?  

(Students are not permitted to “cancel” a clinical placement once they have been placed. Changes in personal circumstances (i.e., relationship status), preferences for settings/locations, or housing availability are NOT acceptable reasons to request changes in clinical placements. In case of other extenuating circumstances (i.e., family medical emergency, significant change in personal health status), please contact your DCE to discuss as soon as possible.)


The maximum number of days allowed off of a clinical education experience for illness at the discretion of the CI and DCE

What is 2 days?


When you graduate you will have at minimum _____ number of weeks of full-time clinical experience.  

What is 38 weeks? 


Part-time clinical experiences (ICE) are assigned or scheduled by _____ during the curriculum. 

What is the DCE? 


Name Two or Three examples of consequences for not maintaining compliance with Exxat at all times.

What are

1) Delayed placement for clinical experiences

2) Delayed start/Suspension from clinical placement with unexcused days absent by site or DCE's

3) Incomplete or fail grade for clinical experiences 

4) Delayed graduation?


The 2 purposes of the weekly planning form during your full-time clinical experiences.

What are:

1) Formative evaluation of student on clinical experience, dialogue between student, CI(s) and DCE's (clin ed faculty), and 

2) Way to keep the clinical experience moving forward in a logical and systematic way? 


The DCE has found an acceptable clinical placement that meets your educational needs. Under the following circumstances you can decline this.

What is none?  

(In the event that a DCE has located an acceptable clinical placement that meets your educational needs, it is expected that you will attend as assigned. Should you decline a clinical placement, you are accepting responsibility for delayed graduation. DCEs will prioritize placing remaining students prior to seeking a replacement for a declined clinical.)


If you have had any of these 3 prior relationships, you cannot be placed at this clinical site.

What are: 1) where you have worked; 2) where you have already accepted a position; and/or 3) from whom you have accepted scholarship money in return for post-graduation employment 4) Where a spouse/family member works 


Your full-time clinical experiences will consist of approximately _____ total hours. 

What is 1,520 hours (40 hours/week x38 weeks)? 


Associated costs for clinical education experiences consist of _______

What are background checks, drug screens, site-specific requirements, housing, or travel?


In order to identify you as a PT student from FPU you must wear this while on your clinical experiences. 

What is a name tag? 


If you request a first come first serve site OR a new site contract is created based on your request, the circumstances under which you can change your placement. 

What is none? 


The "no contact rule" defined.

What is that you, your family & friends are not able to contact a site regarding a possible clinical placement? 

(You must have expressly received permission from your DCE prior to the contact.)  


Three examples of UNEXCUSED time off requests during a clinical experience.

What are: attending a concert, athletic events spectator/participant, bachelor/bachelorette parties, vacations, pet care, travel days for weekend events, working at another job?


You will have a total of _____ mandated credits of clinical education (including this course and not electives) throughout your enrollment at FPU's DPT program.

What is 22 credits?


The three methods used to place your full-time clinical experiences. 

What are (listed in order of placement)

1) Ranking wish list in Exxat for reserved slots (our program) or FCFS sites

2) Clinical education faculty reach out to associated sites

3) New site development (discussed with DCE prior)


In order to qualify as proof of health insurance in Exxat you must submit one of the following. 

What is updated coverage card (THAT HAS EXPIRATION DATES) or upload dates letter from insurance carrier ANNUALLY that shows you have ongoing coverage with the start date?


The 6 responsibilities of clinical faculty who agree to accept an FPU DPT student for a full-time clinical experience.

What are:

1) Have at least 1 year experience 

2) One year experience in current clinical practice setting

3) Knowledge of APTA CPI and/or CIET

4) Interest in engaging in clinical education (student mentoring)

5) Demonstrated competence in their job (based upon Clinical education center supervisors), and

6) Cultural competence?


You will be expected to travel for at least ____ (#) of your full-time clinical experiences.

What is 1?  

(In the event that a DCE has located an acceptable clinical placement that meets your educational needs, it is expected that you will attend as assigned. Should you decline a clinical placement, you are accepting responsibility for delayed graduation. DCEs will prioritize placing remaining students prior to seeking a replacement for a declined clinical.)


A reasonable request for an excused absence is

APTA conference
