Four Spheres
Functions Of Clinical Judgement
Importance Of Clinical Judgement
Developing Clinical Judgement
Components of Clinical Judgemnt

In this domain focuses on collaborative efforts with public communities, health services, and local entities to enhance the overall well-being of a community?

What is Domain 3 - Population Health


This function of clinical judgment involves the assessment of vital signs, symptoms, health history, and environment.

What is Recognizing cues/ assessment


How does clinical judgment assist nurses in managing a diverse patient load by determining the urgency of each case and prioritizing treatment accordingly?

What is Prioritizing patient care


Question: What is the first step in Tanner's Clinical Judgment Model, representing the perceptual grasp of the situation at hand?

What is Noticing


What is a fundamental component of clinical judgment that involves analyzing information, questioning assumptions, and making informed decisions?

What is Critical Thinking


In nursing, which sphere of care involves the management of chronic diseases and the prevention of negative sequelae?

What is the 2nd sphere of care


In this phase of clinical judgment, recognized cues are linked to the client's clinical presentation, establishing probable client needs.

What is Analyze cues


What factors do nurses consider, before dispensing medications to ensure safe administration?

What is allergies, medication interactions, and patients conditions 


What is the process of deciding on a course of action, including no action, in clinical judgment?

What is Responding?


In clinical judgment, what is the process where nurses evaluate available options, weigh potential outcomes, and choose the most suitable course of action?

What is Decision Making


 Which domain in nursing is dedicated to core values, enhancing quality of care, and minimizing the risk of harm to patients and providers?

What is Domain 5: Quality & Safety


This function involves establishing priorities of care based on the client's health problems.

What is Prioritizing hypotheses


How does a nurses' clinical judgment enable them to respond promptly to subtle alterations in a patient's health, reducing the risk of complications?

What is Acknowledging changes in a patient's condition?


In clinical judgment, what does interpreting involve according to Tanner's model?

What is etiology, patterns, 


How do nurses utilize critical thinking in clinical judgment to navigate the complexities of patient care?

What is by assessing and interpreting data
