The agency that developed the hazard identification system
What is National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)?
Congress enacted this regulation to ensure the accuracy and reliability of all laboratory testing
What is Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) ?
The term defined as the ability to consistently reproduce a test result
What is trend?
Express is military time: 6:30 PM
What is 1830 hours?
The agency that requires employers to ensure Safety Data Sheets are available to employees
What is Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)?
The date manufacturers of chemicals were required to use a uniform format for SDSs
What is June 2015?
Written policies and procedures that ensure monitoring all processes involved in laboratory test is performed to produce reliable patient results
What is Quality Assurance?
Express in standard time: 2020 hours
What is 10:20 PM?
The agency that established recommendations and resources in Standard Precautions and Transmission Precautions
What is the Center for Disease Control and Transmission (CDC)?
The year OSHA published Bloodborne Pathogen Standard in response to workplace exposure to blood and infectious material
What is 1991?
A test results expressed as a number, usually with units of measure attached to numeric value
What is quantitative?
Express in Celsius: 38*F
What is 3.33 Celsius?
The agency that governs responsibility and regulatory oversight of the CLIA program
What is the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)?
The identification system consists of four (4) diamond shaped symbols to provide the following information at glance
What is health hazard, flammability potential, stability hazard, and special (specific) hazard
The medical abbreviation for the Latin term statum, meaning immediately; at this moment
What is STAT?
The type of metric unit for kg
What is weight?
Waived tests include test systems cleared by this agency for home use and tests approved for waiver under the CLIA criteria.
What is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?
These five (5) elements that apply to all patient care regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status
What is hand hygiene, use of PPE, safe needle practices, safe handling in patient environment, respiratory etiquette?
The upper and lower limits of test values expected for health group individuals in the general population
What is reference range?
The type of metric until for mm
What is length?