Also known as social cognitive theory, was developed by psychologist Albert Bandura. This theory posits that learning occurs by observing others and modeling their behavior.
What is Social Learning Theory
Focuses on how thoughts and feelings influence behaviors, as well as how self-destructive behaviors can lead to psychological problems
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
An American settlement activist, reformer, social worker, sociologist, public administrator, philosopher, and author. She was an important leader in the history of social work and women's suffrage in the United States.
Who is Jane Adams
Nails, lotion, and massage
What is a mani pedi
Identifies as a professional social worker and conducts himself/herself accordingly.
What is Practicum/Internship
proposes that people are products of complex systems, rather than individuals who act in isolation. In this theory, behavior is influenced by a variety of factors that work together as a system. These factors include family, friends, social settings, religious structure, economic class and home environment, which can all influence how individuals act and think.
What is Systems Theory
For clients who are experiencing crisis and trauma, such as victims of domestic violence, and for clients who require intervention to prevent physical harm or suicide
What is Crisis Intervention
American professor, author, and podcast host. Brown is known for her work on shame, vulnerability, and leadership, and for her widely viewed TEDx talk in 2010. She has written six number-one New York Times bestselling books and hosted two podcasts on Spotify
Who is Brené Brown
movie popcorn and couch
What is Netflix
collaborating with peers to develop an analysis
What is break out group
Erik Erikson
What is Psychosocial development theory
The process of removing an individual from their problem(s) and helping them see that they have the power to change their life story. Helps individuals realize that they are not their problems, but that they’re separate from them and can fix them when they view the narrative from an outside perspective.
What is Narrative Model
Dedicated his career to reforming the ethics, practice, and education of the social work field through his work as a researcher, an author, and a professor. His extensive experience in ethics research has helped NASW and the social work profession, as a whole, over the years.
Who is Rick Reamer
spending money on non-necessary things
What is shopping
Speaking in front of a class teaching content
What is a presentation
divides the psyche into three functions: the id—unconscious source of primitive sexual, dependency, and aggressive impulses; the superego—subconsciously interjects societal mores, setting standards to live by; and the ego—represents a sense of self and mediates between realities of the moment
What is Psychoanalytic Theory
A social worker helps an individual identify a problem, create an action plan to solve it and implement the solution. Together, the social worker and individual discuss the effectiveness of the intervention and adjust it as necessary.
What is Problem Solving
Puerto Rican educator, social worker, feminist and civil rights leader, as well as the founder of several groundbreaking institutions in New York and Puerto Rico. Her life's work revolved around educational access for the disadvantaged and community self-determination
Who is Antonia Pantoja
being one with self in silence and soothing sound
what is meditation
answering questions without notes
What is an exam
Every human being strives for and has the capacity to fulfill their own potential. The role of the counselor is to provide a nonjudgmental environment conducive to honest self-exploration
What is Person-Centered Theory
A fundamental means of preventing and dealing with problems and difficulties presented to children. Sometimes it can be used as a method for children to express emotions non-verbally.
What is Play Therapy
An African-American social worker, labor activist, educator, and journalist, was extremely passionate about children. After training in social work at the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, worked tirelessly to improve child welfare legislation, eventually founding her own children’s home.
Thyra J. Edwards
expressing self through art and drink
what is wine and painting
completing work online
what is asynchronous work