The temporal, carotid, brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, and dorsalis pedis arteries are ____?
What are the. most common pulse sites?
The three domains of learning are
What is cognitive, psychomotor, and affective?
MMR stands for
What is measles, mumps, and rubella?
CVA stands for
What is cerebrovascular accident also called a stroke?
23-1 Dietary Change
Using written materials as you discuss the new eating plan helps ____?
What is the information taught to the patient should match what is in the written materials. Any inaccuracies will confuse the patient?
______ hypertension is caused by another underlying pathologic condition.
What is secondary hypertension?
ABCDE Rule stands for ___ and is used for ___.
What is Asymmetry Border Color Diameter Evolving, this is used to detect early warning signs of melanoma?
The vaccine Hib help prevent ____?
What is meningitis?
Second degree burn is also known as
What is partial thickness burn?
43-1 & 43-2 Infants Head Circumference, length, and weight
Keeping your hand directly over the infant's truck for safety ensures
This checks your interpretation of the patient's message for validation.
What is restating?
This nutrient is used for energy to regulate protein and fat metabolism. This nutrient encompasses a broad range if simple sugars, starches, and fibers.
What is carbohydrates?
The most common endocrine system disorder seen in aging patients is _____?
What is diabetes mellitus?
Common nonabsorbable sutures made of polyester fibers are _______ and _____. They are among the strongest nonabsorbable sutures, along with surgical steel.
What is Dacron and Prolene?
27-5 Bleeding, Fracture, Syncope
Raising the patient's legs 12 inches helps
What is raising the person's legs helps the blood return to the heart?
1 lb is equal to ___ kg
The equation to convert lb to kg is
What is vitamin B and vitamin C?
The ability to taste salt and sweet flavors is reduced, whereas the ability to detect bitter and sour flavors remains relatively the same. As a result, food frequently tastes bland and un appetizing. What is this describing?
What is a decline in taste buds?
To sign an informed consent form permitting the provider to legally perform the surgery, the patient must understand:
What is -what procedure will be preformed
-why it should be done
-the potential risks and benefits of surgery
-alternative treatment options (including no treatment)
-possible risks of any alternative treatment options
21-5 Patient Position
Patient is lying flat on their back and their knees are flexed so the feet are flat on the table this position is ____?
What is Dorsal Recumbent Position?
Subjective Findings vs Objective Findings
What is Subjective finding (symptoms) are perceptible only to the patient and Objective findings (signs) can be observed or measured by the provider or MA?
The 6 food groups are
What is Dairy, Proteins, Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains, and Oils?
Eye diseases and disorders that occur frequently in older individuals are:
What is cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration?
The process of killing pathogenic organisms or rendering them inactive is
What is disinfection?
25-1 Skin Prep
When cleaning the MA starts at the incision site and begins washing with the soap on a gauze sponge in a circular motion, moving from the center to the edges of the area to be scrubbed because ____?
What is the purpose of a circular motion from inside to outside drags contaminants away from the incision site?