Parts of a Research Article
Scientific Inquiry
Evidence-based Practice
Identify Independent & Dependent Variables

What are the components of the Discussion section of a research article? Describe each.

Interpret/Analyze results


Clinical Implications

Future Research 


Justine wants to ensure that she receives consistent results across all three raters in her research study. What is she wanting to ensure?

Interrater/Interobserver reliability


What are the three basic ethical principles of The Belmont Report? Describe each.

Respect for Persons




What are the three components of Evidence-Based Practice?

Clinician expertise, clinical judgement

Client/caregiver/family preferences and perspectives

External and internal evidence


What is the most basic level of measurement?



A researcher asks the following research question:

Is it most effective to target syntactical skills

versus semantic skills to improve listening

comprehension abilities? She randomly assigns 64 students with SLI to two groups with each group participating in either syntactical focused treatment and the other group participating in semantic focused treatment. 

What type of research study is being conducted?
Identify the independent and dependent variable?


Independent Variable: treatment type (syntactical or semantic)

Dependent Variable: listening comprehension skills


The ______________ is the portion of the research article that precedes the full article and includes information about the article's purpose, methods, and results.



What is the difference between basic research and applied research?

Basic research serves to construct new theories or modify existing theories. Applied research serves to provide solutions to address clinical or social problems.


What is the purpose of the Institutional Review Board?

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) serves to ensure the rights and well-being of individuals who participant in research studies. They evaluate the potential risks to participants, assess safety measures and provide modifications as needed.


What are the two types of evidence? Describe each. 

Internal evidence

External evidence


Describe the level of measurement. 

The responses of stutterers regarding their perspective of their disorder using the following rating scale:


-Somewhat Confident


-Not Confident

Ordinal level of measurement


A researcher wants to understand the effects of a case-based learning approach on undergraduate's clinical performance. 

Independent variable?

Dependent variable?

Independent Variable: Case-Based Learning

Dependent Variable: Clinical performance


Joel is currently drafting the methods section of his research article. What four components must be included in this section?

Research design, participants, materials, and procedures


Where might a field study be conducted?

clinics, homes, schools, daycare facilities

What is informed consent?

Informed consent requires that participants are made aware of all information of a research study, its risks and benefits. Informed consent ensures that individuals understand that their participation in a research study is voluntary and they can discontinue participation at any time.

What are the four steps in the process of Evidence-based practice?

Form a question

Gather evidence

Assess evidence

Make clinical decision


Cienna listed students' standard scores on the OWLS-2 and the CASL-2. Standard scores on language assessments are what level of measurement?

Interval level of measurement


The purpose of the research study was to understand how the use of the complexity therapy approach or the core word approach affects children's speech intelligibility. 102 children with speech sound disorders were randomly assigned to two groups.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

Independent Variable: treatment approach (complexity and core word)

Dependent: Children's speech intelligibility

What is the purpose of a literature review?

The literature review explores previous research on a particular topic. The literature review explores similarities and differences in the findings of research. The literature review discloses any gaps in the current body of research on a particular topic. 


What are the two main characteristics of experimental research?

1) participants are randomly assigned to two or more conditions

2) researchers control the selection of conditions and they can freely manipulate the conditions


What is a risk-benefit assessment?

A risk-benefit assessment helps researchers to ensure that the benefit of participation in a study are maximized and risks are minimized. 


What is the purpose of the PICO question? What are the components of a PICO question?

The PICO method is frequently used to form clinical questions. The components of the PICO question are:


I- Intervention


O- Outcome


Janet wanted to test the frequency of disfluencies among high school students when engaged in unstructured speaking tasks. Frequency of disfluencies can be described as what level of measurement?

Ratio level of measurement 


Lawson wants to test the differences in literacy skills of students with a history of speech sound disorders and students with no history of speech sound disorders. 

What type of study?

Independent Variable?

Dependent Variable?

Type of study? Quasi-experimental

Independent Variable: history of SSD or no history of SSD

Dependent Variable: literacy skills


What subcomponents are included in the introduction of a research article?

Problem Statement

Purpose statement 

Research questions

Literature review 


Explain the weaknesses of non-experimental research designs.

No comparisons made or prior measurements made- increased risk for extraneous variables

Vulnerable populations should be given the greatest consideration when participating in a study. What groups of people are considered vulnerable populations? 

Children, disabled people, pregnant women, patients, poor people, 


Identify each component of the PICO question: 

For adolescents with severe fluency

disorders, is the implementation of

fluency enhancing strategies or

stuttering modification strategies

most effective in reducing the

frequency of disfluencies?

P- adolescents with severe fluency disorders

I- fluency enhancing strategies

C- stuttering modification strategies

O- frequency of disfluencies

What are measures of central tendency? Describe each.


A student clinician wants to know if the use of self-rating scales in her therapy sessions with Autistic young adults have helped to improve clients' use of prosocial skills. 

Independent Variable: self-rating scales

Dependent Variable: use of prosocial skills

What section of a research article does a researcher objectively present the findings of a research article.  



Researchers must ensure they clearly define variables within a research study. These definitions are described as...

Operational definitions 


A SGD company wants to sponsor a research project on the effectiveness of SGDs on improved functional communication with individuals with severe phonological processing deficits. The researcher must ensure that a SGD company funding the project will not result in a...

Conflict of Interest


Harper asks the following questions after reading a research article on treatment approaches for childhood apraxia of speech. Is the intervention studied in the article something I could actually use to help my client reach their goals? What part of the evidence-based practice process is Harper engaging in?

Assessing the evidence


What are measures of dispersion? Describe each.


A researcher asks the following questions: 

Barrett, the owner of a private practice, is investigating the effectiveness of his practice's services. He wants to compare the total time spent in speech and language therapy for pediatric clients who received in-home speech therapy versus clients who received clinic-based service setting. 

Experimental? Quasi-Experimental or Non-Experimental
Independent Variable?

Dependent Variable?

Type of Study? Quasi- Experimental 

Independent Variable? Service delivery setting (in-home or clinic-based)

Dependent variable? total time spent in speech and language therapy
