This fascia separates the paraspinals from the muscles in the posterior abdominal wall.
Thoracolumbar fascia
A muscle spindle contraction in response to a fast or quick stretch
Stretch Reflex
This physiological process used in muscle energy technique is implemented for muscles determined to be “short and tight”
Post-Isometric Relaxation
It is the thickest superficial fascia of the body located in the abdomen.
Scarpa's fascia
A type of flattened tendon that has parallel-arranged collagen fibers.
A soft tissue or joint manipulation technique where muscles are actively used from a controlled position, in a specific direction, and against an applied counterforce.
Muscle Energy Technique
This fascia arises from the clavicle and extends distally to enclose the subclavius and pectoralis minor muscles.
Clavipectoral fascia
This structure is made up of the aponeurosis of the internal oblique, external oblique and transversus abdominis
Rectus sheath
This is a PNF procedure where the antagonist is isometrically contracted against resistance followed by a period of relaxation and movement into increased range. Uses “Hold!” as a command.
Hold-Relax Technique
This muscle fasciae are in the intermediate layer of the deep fascia of the back that continues proximally with the fascia of the splenius of the neck and levator scapula muscle.
Rhomboid fascia
The point of conjunction between the abdominal fascia and fascia of the thigh
Inguinal ligament
This technique is a passive positional procedure that places the body in a “position of greatest comfort”, thereby relieving pain and dysfunction.
Strain Counterstrain
This muscle and its fascia connect the rectus sheath with iliopsoas, QL, and anterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia.
Transversus abdominis
A proprioceptor that detects the amount of tendon stretch and muscle contraction
Golgi Tendon Organ
This technique uses a sensory motor learning process to release tight, chronically contracted muscles and restore freedom of movement.