Key Studies
Key Terms
Dual Processing Model
Reconstructive memory
Digital World

"war of ghost"



this is a kind of study that requires time to observe and collect the data

Longitudinal study


What is system 1 thinking?

The thinking process that is automatic and focuses on what it sees. Bases decisions on the already established schema. 


What is "Reconstructive Memory"?

It means that we do not have a "photograph" of memories, but rather that we are activating schema that is relevant to an event in order to create it.  We piece together a memory from bits of information that we have in our schema. Bartlett argues that when we create these memories, we often make assumptions about what could or should have happened. - inthinking


Why is it important to consider the role of technological advancements in psychology?  

Because people are surrounded by it and use it very often(teens 27+ hours per week, adults 20+ hours per week(thinking)). It is important to consider whether this is good for us or not. 


what was the name of the study that was conducted in 1974 from CLOA

Loftus and Palmer(1974)


what is semantic memory?

general knowledge of facts and people, for example, concepts, and schemas and it is not linked to time and place.


Give an example of a system two thinking

Any example that requires an individual to concentrate, work through abstract concepts, work through logic, use conscious reasoning...


Name two studies that support "Reconstructive Memory"

Points are given if any of these studies are mentioned

- Bartlett(1932)

-French and Richards(1993)

-Loftus and Palmer(1974)

-Neisser & Harsch (1992)

-Loftus & Pickrell (1995)

-Brewer & Treyens (1981)


which one of the studies is associated with technology and psychology together?

1. Sharot et al (2007)

2. Storm et al (2016)

3. Berntsen & Thomsen (2005)

- Storm et al (2016)


what was Milner's objective in his case study? 

the role of the hippocampus on memory formation.


what is flashbulb memory?

flashbulb memory is a very vivid "snapshot" of some events, it is also highly detailed. 


What are the limitations to the Dual Processing Model?

1) Overly reductionist: doesn't take emotion into account

2) The definition is not clear... Just because a process is fast does not mean it is always done by System 1. 


Name one study that does NOT support "Reconstructive Memory"?

Points will be awarded if any one of these studies are mentioned:

- Bahrick et al (1975)

- Yuille & Cutshall (1986)

- Berntsen & Thomsen (2005)

- Brown & Kulik (1977)

- Sharot et al (2007)


What is the difference between self-concept and self-esteem? 

Self-esteem is judgment, but self-concept is not.


what was the aim of Loftus and Palmer (1974)?

wanted to see the role of leading questions in influencing the memories of eyewitnesses.


multi-store memory

proposed that memory consisted of three stores: a sensory register, short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM).


Define Cognitive Misers

Wanting to use as less energy as possible when thinking


Applications of "Reconstructive Memory" 

Points awarded if they talk about:

How eyewitness testimonies are not always reliable due to them having reconstructive memory: leading questions can alter their answers. 


Which study showed positive influences of technology on thinking? 

Bavelier et al (2011)

The results of this study showed that out of the two groups, the group that had previously played video games was able to perform the assigned tasks faster and with more efficiency(inthinking, n.d.).



Aim: Tested the schematic influence on memory retrieval and tested attention

method: laboratory, showed participants the image of a clock with roman numerals.

findings: most participants who were asked to recall the clock wrote IV not IIII

outcome: shoes the effect of schema on memory

strength: Many studies to support this.

weakness: lots of control, ecological validity


what is displacement in multi-store memory model?

displacement is a process wherein short-term memory "knock out" or displace the information that is not rehearsed, that other external stimuli can be processed through the system.

Give three reasons for why we use system 1 thinking

1) We want to use little energy as possible when we think

2) Ego Depletion: When we try to do something for too long or the task seems too difficult, we experience ego depletion

3) Cognitive Load: Too many things going on so we can't use our full energy on this one thing

4) Law of least effort: If there are several ways of doing something, people will choose the easiest way to do it.


What is "misinformation effect" and what study discusses it?

This is when one's episodic memories become less accurate because of the post-event information taken in.  


What is transactive memory?

This is a system that talks about how groups "collectively encode, store and retrieve information."(McDermott & Roedige, 2019)

McDermott, K. B. & Roediger, H. L. (2019). Memory (encoding, storage, retrieval). In R. Biswas-Diener & E. Diener (Eds), Noba textbook series: Psychology. Champaign, IL: DEF publishers. Retrieved from 
