The art for this role token contains 4 eyes
Evil Twin
Blood on the Clocktower was originally playtested in this city
Sydney, Australia
These discs in the Grimoire represent each player and are turned upside down when that player dies
Life Token
This base 3 script uses the Butcher traveler
Sects and Violets
Percival's ability in Avalon
Knows Merlin
The quote for this role is "I am the night... I think."
The Boomdandy's evocative original name
This is defined in the rulebook glossary as "the small colored symbols on many character tokens that help the storyteller run the game"
One of the demons on the Catfishing script, besides Imp and Fang Gu
The game development studio responsible for creating Among Us
The icon for the Townsfolk character type depicts this animal
Added to the official app in September 2024, the Zookeeper is a rules modification which has this effect to keep things orderly
Only the nominee and nominator may speak during nominations
This Demon can kill at night even if chosen by the Exorcist
This is the referential Fabled on Fall of Rome
"I am Spartacus"
Secret Hitler shares a designer with this party game that has made over 500 million dollars
Cards Against Humanity
The only non-Fabled role with a quote written in a language that doesn't use the Latin alphabet
This Trouble Brewing character originally had the text "you can not be drunk or poisoned" as part of their ability
A sober and healthy Lleech whose host is executed will still live but lose their ability if this character is in play
Clocktower Con 2023 had a script competition requiring the use of this specific role
Mafia was invented in the capital of this country
Steven Medway created the art for this experimental Minion
This Traveler with a daytime-only ability was one of the six Townsfolk roles in the first Blood on the Clocktower prototype
Because of a Jinx, this role can gain the ability "if you are executed while you have your ability, your team wins"
The Atheist, Amnesiac, Puzzlemaster, Riot, and Leviathan have been revealed to come from this upcoming script
Garden of Sin
The French film "Loups-garous", English title "Family Pack", is an adaptation of this 2003 Spiel des Jahres nominee
The Werewolves of Millers Hollow