Energy from the sun that heats up water on the Earth's surface.
Solar Radiation/Energy.
I measure air pressure
What is barometer
What is the imaginary line where the warmest places on Earth are found?
What is the equator
Name two forms of precipitation.
rain, hail, sleet, and snow.
if you have a fever or to measure the temperature of the air, use me
What is a thermometer
Changes in the earths atmosphere over a short period of time in a small area.
What is weather
Use me to see in which direction the weather is blowing
What is a weather (wind) vane
Changes in the atmosphere over a larger area and a long period of time (years and decades)
This is is the process of water being collected on the ground
Curious about how much rain fell in a certain period of time? Use me to measure it
What is a rain gauge
The coldest Climate Zone
What is it called when water moves from the atmosphere to the earth?
Use this tool to measure the humidity in the air
What is a hygrometer
The Climate Zone Florida is located in