This is when you can start submitting notes for a new participant.
After the TA Plan has been approved
In the Data Tracker this category is PD. On the TA Plans it is called...
Plan Development
How much time do we have to make purchases after discharge?
60 Days
At minimum, how often should you visit your ISCH participant?
What day of the week should you submit your timecard by?
The due date for notes every month
The last day of the month or before the 1st of the next month.
How would you indicate 45 minutes' worth of work in the "Number of Hours" box in a note?
This is when you should create an initial TA Plan.
Before services start/before the initial visit
What does ISCH stand for?
Individual Supports Community Habilitation
If you are injured while working, when should you notify your supervisor?
This document is required from a vendor before MAB can process a check request.
What is the W-9
True of false? Notes can be submitted at any time if it's before the end of the month
Which waiver participants are eligible to receive a TV?
Your ISCH participant isn't picking up their phone and didn't answer the door for staff all day. What should you do?
Call 911 for a wellness check
What division is Community Living Supports under?
Adult Disability Services (ADS)
When you list out all purchases from a receipt on "record purchase" or "", this process is called...
What category does a discharge planning meeting/transition meeting go under?
Direct Service
What is the current budget for personal essentials on the TA Plan?
What do you need to do if you exceed the weekly allocated ISCH hours?
Request a 1-time authorization from the Service Coordinator or contact supervisor.
What is the mileage reimbursement rate?
This service is non-billable if a participant is admitted to the hospital.
Bonus Question- What services are billable if a participant is admitted to the hospital (provided they are not on "HOLD")?
What is ISCH
Bonus answer- TA services or (PD, DS, HSS)
What is the different between an objective and subjective note?
An objective note is based on facts and observations, subjective is opinions and feelings.
When is a modified TA Plan necessary?
Either when running out of DS/HSS hours or expecting to exceed budget.
This is how long you have to submit an initial incident report on HCSIS?
24 Hours
Who is the Director of Operations in ADS?
Shaun Kinsella