Measurement Conversion
Decimals/Order of Operations
Multiplying Fractions
Dividing Fractions

A customer buys 40 meters of cable. How many centimeters of cable did the customer buy?

What is 400 cm?


A store had 300 empty shelves. Each shelf could hold 20 cans. What is the total number of cans the shelves could hold?

What is 6,000 cans?


What is the answer to the subtraction problem below?

  3.24  -  0.32 =

What is 2.92?


Jason bought a rug and it covers  of the floor’s length and  of the floor’s width. How much of the floor is covered by the rug?

What is 1/2?


A scientist completed  page of a report each hour. The report was 5 pages long. How long did it take the scientist to complete the report?

What is 15 hours?


Jack needs to measure 3 quarts of milk. He can measure only 1 cup at a time. How many cups will he have to measure to get 3 quarts?

(Note: 1 quart = 4 cups)

What is 12 cups?


An apple orchard sold 155 apples in September. In November, it sold 17 times as many apples as it did in September. How many apples did the apple orchard sell in November?

What is 2,635?


This is an expression.

48 ÷ 6 + 10

Which is the solution to the expression below? 

What is 18?


Jessica has a rectangular walkway that is 21 yards long and  yard wide. What is the area of Jessica’s walkway in square yards?

What is 14?


Austin mixed  bag of cement for 3 fence posts. How much cement did he use for each fence post?

What is 1/9?


There are 3 feet in 1 yard. How many feet are in 10 yards?

What is 30 feet?


A candy company packaged boxes of candy. Each box held 60 ounces of candy. On Tuesday, the candy company produced 2,828 ounces of candy. How many boxes of candy can the company completely fill on Tuesday?

What is 47?


George paid a total of $504.00 for his cell phone service last year. He paid the same amount each month for the 12 months. What was the amount George paid per month for cell phone service?

What is $42.00?


On a necklace,  of the beads are blue. Of the blue beads,  are oval-shaped. What fraction of the necklace is made up of blue ovals?

What is 1/6?


Mrs. Thoman has 3 bags of popcorn. She will give each student  of a bag. If she splits each of her 3 bags equally, how many students will get popcorn?

What is 24?


Renee needs 3 gallons of milk to make cookies. Each batch of cookies uses 2 cups of milk. How many batches of cookies can Renee make?

(Note: 16 cups = 1 gallon)

What is 24 batches?


Courtney ordered 36 boxes of flashlights for camp. Each box had 24 flashlights. How many flashlights did she order?

What is 864?


Luis earned $2.50 the first day he opened his lemonade stand. He earned $4.00 on the second day, and he earned $5.50 on the third day. If this pattern continues, how much money will Luis earn on the fifth day?

What is 8.50?


Sally purchased 24 pencils.

  •  of the pencils are blue.
  •  of the pencils are red.

How many pencils are neither blue nor red? 

What is 17?


Mike will fill jars with water for an experiment. Each jar holds  cup. Mike has 18 cups of water. How many jars can Mike fill with water?

What is 54?


Kasey is training to run a 5-kilometer race. He started by running 1 kilometer the first day, then adds 500 meters each week. During what week will Kasey run 5 kilometers?

What is week 8?


A school cafeteria has 294 chairs. There are 14 chairs at each table. Two chairs will be removed from each table and put into a storage room. How many chairs will be left in the cafeteria?

What is 252?


A rectangle has a length of 9.6 cm and a width of 6.5 cm. What is the area, in square centimeters, of the rectangle?

What is 62.4 square centimeters?


Yasmine uses  cup of water for 1 serving of a spaghetti sauce recipe. She wants to make  servings of spaghetti sauce. How much water will Yasmine need?

What is 1 1/4?


Mark mowed  of a football field. He mowed equal amounts over 2 hours. How much of the field did Mark mow each hour?

What is 1/6?
