MUTCD sign code for pedestrian crossing
Significance of a blue raised pavement marker
Fire hydrant location
One element that makes up contract documents
Contract drawings, Specifications, Bidding requirements, Special provisions
Queen’s nod to multi-modal transportation
"Bicycle Race"
Three classifications of signs defined in the MUTCD
Regulatory, warning, guide
Slang term for marking used to indicate a left turn in advance of a roundabout
Fish-hook arrow
USSCCA (RTC Blue Book) specification section dedicated to traffic signals and streetlighting
Section 623
Willie Nelsen’s 1980 hit about a group of musician friends who on the road, driving down the highway from gig to gig
“On The Road Again”
Sign type in the shape of a circle
Grade crossing advanced warning
Minimum width of crosswalk markings
6 feet
One format/style of construction documents
The driver (no pun intended) behind Sammy Hagar’s “I Can’t Drive 55”
At the time (1985), federal law forbade speed limits above 55
Type of sign with a black legend on a fluorescent pink background
Incident management
What the width of a longitudinal pavement marking line indicates
Degree of emphasis
Specifications section whose number differs between USSCCA and NDOT
Pavement markings (627 in NDOT vs. 628 in USCDDA)
Missing lyric in the chorus of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’”:
Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
___________, people…
Album released by an American alternative rock band named after a traffic sign
“Yield” (Pearl Jam, 1998)
Criteria for placement of centerline markings (traveled way width and ADT)
Traveled way of 20 feet or more in width and an ADT of 6,000 vehicles per day or greater
What CSI stands for
Construction Specifications Institute
The pretense under which the teenager in the Beach Boys’ “Fun, Fun, Fun” borrowed her dad’s car
To go to the library (bonus 100 points if you can name the type of car!)