These are 3 emergency services that clients can use if they are unsafe
ACL, 988, MCRT, PERT, ESU, ER, National Suicide Prevention Line, etc.
This assessment needs to be completed when services end
CalMHSA Discharge Summary
This is the SmartCare version of final approving
The suitcase widget near the top of your dashboard indicates this
There is a service or document that has not been saved
This is the time and location of the SBCS holiday party
December 13th at 2:00pm at Novo Brazil Brewing Otay Ranch
Three self-care/coping skills that you use during the work week
Free space!
These two assessments need to be entered directly into SmartCare at intake, reassessment and discharge.
When using the calendar feature, this is the amount of reoccurring appointments staff should make at one time for a client
This list page will include which programs client has been enrolled in and discharged from
Client programs
These two staff have birthdays in November
Leslie and Dominique
Clients will be referred here when they are close to terminating services with our program and need continued medication management
These are two places that you could find information about what needs to be included in the CalAIM assessment
CMH Cheat Sheet (CalAIM tab) and SmartCare Documentation samples folder in the MHS folder
This list page will help you confirm if notes and documents have been signed/final approved (in progress, completed)
Documents list page
Upon completion of a safety plan, this is what you will do with it, so the information is in SmartCare
Scan to save as PDF in SmartCare
Hope for the holiday requests are due this day
This website has directions and information on how to complete documentation and admin tasks in SmartCare
These are the 6 assessments/documents that are required to be entered into SmartCare after an initial assessment session
CalAIM assessment, Mental Status Exam, CANS, PSC, Diagnosis From, Problem list
When completing a service note for a service provided over the phone, this is what you would enter for mode of deliver and location.
telephone, telehealth audio only
When a client moves, or changes their phone number during treatment the staff will update the information here
Client information
Ana and Maura complete these two documents in SmartCare
Client information/demographic and CSI Standalone
These are two ways to get support with SmartCare if experiencing challenges within the system
CalMHSA help desk chat and phone number
This is the name of the assessment that would need to completed in SmartCare if a client meets criteria for pathways
Special Populations
You provide psychoeducation to a parent regarding skills that client is learning in therapy sessions. This is the procedure code that you will use when completing your note
Psychosocial rehab - individual
The name of the procedure code when billing an initial assessment session
Assessment LPHA
These are 3 instances that staff would need to send the coordination of care to the client's PCP
intake, discharge, significant changes during treatment (diagnosis change)