"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"
What is John 3:16?
Our patron saint (If you get this wrong, what are you doing?)
Who is St. Thérèse of Lisieux?
The first pope of the Universal Catholic Church
Who is St.Peter?
The Feast day of Saint Thomas
When is July 3rd?
The first person to be born without original sin
Who is Mother Mary?
The word "Pentateuch" meaning
What is 5 books?
CML meaning
What is the Cherupushpa Mission League?
The patron saint of lost things and studies
St. Anthony of Padua
The season we are celebrating
What is the season of Elijah, Cross, and Moses?
The inspiration of Kunjettan
Who is St. Alphonsa?
The first temptation, Jesus witnessed after 40 days and forty nights of intense fasting
What is turning stones into bread?
The motto of our CML
What is Love, Service, Sacrifice, and Suffering?
The first martyr of the church
Who is St.Stephan?
The syro-malabar name for Holy Mass
What is Holy Qurbana?
The Diocese where CM was founded
What is BHARANANGANAM or Pala Diocese?
Which came first, St.Paul's Letter to the Colossians or the letter to the Thessalonians?
What is Thessalonians?
The meaning of the colors of our mission league flag
What are the peace and martyrdom of the church?
The first American Saint
Who is St.Elizabeth Ann Seton?
The place syro-malabar originated
What is Kerela?
The year of St.Thomas arrival in Kerela
The book of the Bible doesn't specifically mention God
What is the Song of Songs?
Founder of Mission League and in the year of ___
Who is Kunjettan and when is October 3, 1947?
The first Millennial saint
Who is St.Carlo Acutis?
The saints from the Syromalabar church? (Needs to get at least 2)
Who are Saint Alphonsa, Saint Kuriakose Chavara, Saint Euphrasia, and Saint Mariam Thresia?
Who are the co-patron saints of Mission League?
Who are St. Thomas, St.Francis Xavier, and St. Alphonsa?