Stuart Hall wrote that this way of framing the news worked against dominant interpretations of reality.
What is the "oppositional code"?
A design feature of language indicating the capacity to talk and symbolize things not immediately present.
What is displacement?
Social homogeneity, power concentrated in the hands of a few, public culture, more participatory education.
What are the consequences of orality?
Harold Innis argues that these are hierarchical, tradition-oriented, and place-bound social formations.
What are time-biased cultures?
Manuel Castells argues that after television, global audiences became more this.
What is diverse?
This modern form of digital writing appears to be iconographic, but is actually mostly logographic.
A design feature of language indicating the capacity to create novel expressions, for creativity, and open-endedness.
What is productivity?
This ancient story about prisoners who see the world only through shadows of reality on the wall of a cave explains how human senses severely limit our perception of the world as it really is.
What is Plato's Allegory of the Cave?
If Harold Innis were alive today, he might observe that companies like Facebook have this (a form of exclusive control over access to or use of a society's store of intelligence).
What is a knowledge monopoly?
This public information system was developed in the 1970s in Europe, but was eventually made obsolete by the internet that originated in America.
What is the French Minitel system?
This model of CMNS says that our communication does not describe the world so much as it represents "an arena of dramatic focus and action" in which we participate and are connected to one another in community.
What is the ritual model of communication?
A nonhuman animal species known to have its own language system that includes both phonemes and morphemes.
What is the prairie dog?
The development of early complex writing systems is associated with the spread of this form of human settlement and resource gathering.
What is agriculture?
Whereas Innis looked at media bias as it relates to materiality, McLuhan examined this kind of media bias in society.
What is sensory bias?
This political activist group emerged out of the 4chan website, and assisted the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions in 2011.
What is Anonymous?
Signs, Sign Systems, and the Culture in which those Signs & Systems operate.
What are the three dimensions of semiotics?
A theory about the origins of human language that states that language emerged as the product of human mimicry of sounds heard in nature.
What is the natural sounds hypothesis?
Since these writing systems are simple to learn, their adoption facilitates widespread literacy and democratic social structures.
What are alphabets?
This famous phrase summarizes McLuhan's idea that the content of communication media is irrelevant.
What is "the medium is the message"?
The existence of these, attached to the exterior walls of Foxconn factories, is based on a design created for slave ships in the 1700s, according to Jack Qiu.
What are safety nets?
Theorist who wrote that communication is about creating a shared space of meaning.
Who is James Carey?
Proponents of this idea say that language emerged among our prehistoric ancestors as an aural accompaniment to gestural communication.
What is the gestural origins hypothesis?
This medieval invention helped to both spread the message of Christianity as well as undermine the political authority of the Roman Catholic Church.
What is the Printing Press?
For McLuhan, this modern communication medium demands intense participation from us (as compared to movies or print), and will extend our central nervous systems and minds into a global neural network.
What is television?
This phrase is meant to convey the idea that we are defined by how our information, identities, cultures, and economies flow across networks, rather than through identification with a particular locality.
What is "the space of flows"?