What is 23 in Spanish?
What does Qué hora es means in English?
What time is it?
What do you add if a noun ends in a vowel?
Add and -s to make it plural.
Hace calor means what in English?
It is hot
How do you say United States in Spanish?
Estados Unidos
What does nueve plus cinco equal to in Spanish?
What is 1 o’clock in the afternoon in Spanish?
Es la una de la tarde.
What is the plural from of el taxi?
los taxis
Its cloudy in Spanish is?
Está nublado.
How many countries have Spanish as it’s official language?
How do you spell 25 in Spanish?
Son las très y cuarto de la tarde.
3:15 pm
What do you add if a noun ends in a consonant?
You add -es
No va a llover.
It is not going to rain.
Which Spanish speaking country is located in Europe?
What is 70 in Spanish?
How do you say it is 6:00 on the dot in Spanish.
Son las seis en punto.
What is lombriz plural?
¿Qué tal está el clima means in English?
How's the weather?
Name two of the three Caribbean islands that speak spanish
Puerto Rico,Dominican republic, or Cuba
What does Ciento stand for in English
One hundred (100)
What does Ahora son las eso de cuatro.
Now it's about four o'clock.
You first switch the -z to a -c and then add es
How do you say its windy in spanish?
Hace viento
What is the smallest Spanish speaking country in the world?
Equatorial Guinea