This Persian leader Divided the Persian Empire into provinces called satrapies.
Who is: Darius or King Darius
Who had satrapies- Persians or Greeks?
This is how Athens was able to ward off the Persians though they were outnumbered
What is sneak attack?
After the defeat at Marathon, a new Persian King (with a cool name) vowed revenge against the Greeks his name was:
What are some Greek contributions to us?
democracy, Trojan Horse reference, citizenship, voting, alphabet and words like polis/police/politics
Why were the Greeks able to defeat the Persian fleet in the Battle (in the Strait) of Salamis?
What is: Their ships/boats were smaller and faster than the Persians.
In Athenian society, even educated _______ were not seen as equals or considered citizens.
What is WOMEN
At Thermopylae, this city-state's leader Leonidas stayed and fought till the death.
What is Sparta?
who comes in and takes over the Persian Empire causing it to end?
Alexander the Great