The tradition of kissing beneath me started with Druids because they believed I contained magical powers.
What is Mistletoe
Although this nation kept records of the ages of their citizens, there is no evidence of festivities on their birthday.
What is Israel
I was eaten by a whale and shaded by a plant
Who is Jonah?
C.T. Russell and his group of Bible Students pointed to this years as the beginning of Christ's kingdom decades in advance.
What is 1914
Believers in this false doctrine often point to John 1:1, but pay little regard to John 14:28 and John 2:17
What is the Trinity
Satan used this to draw the astrologers to Jesus so that he might be killed.
What is the star
The ancient worlds of Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia only celebrated birthdays for these groups.
Who are Gods, Kings, and Nobles?
I had 3 sons, but for the first 500 years I had none.
(Gen 5:32)
Who is Noah?
In 1918 the BIble students underwent this critical test, but it was over within a year.
What is imprisonment?
Jesus humiliated the Sadducees for not believing in this (Matthew 22:23-33)
What is the resurrection?
People often used this to decorate their homes because of its special ability to seem to survive without the sun.
What are evergreens, wreaths, boughs and branches.
In ancient times these were meant to protect the birthday celebrant from the demons and ensure security for the next year.
What are candles?
Although I never said a recorded word in the Bible and have long since died, I still speak. (Heb 11:4)
Who is Abel?
This key publication released in 1960 restored God's name over 7000 times.
What is the New World Translation of the Holy scriptures?
Belief in this holiday began with the Pagans, who used this tradition to worship the Sun God and urge him to return
What is Christmas?
Jesus celebrated this holiday prior to its being invalidated by Jesus' death.
What is Hanukkah
Surrounding a birthday celebrant with friends, relatives and good wishes had this original intent.
What is protection from evil spirits?
I have been called "the father of those having faith" (Romans 4:11)
Who is Abraham?
When Witnesses refused to salute him, this dictator declared "I will wipe this Brood from the face of the earth!" (matt 23:10)
Who is Hitler?
Belief in this holiday began with the Pagans, who used this occasion to worship the Goddess of Fertility
What is Easter?
This tradition was a direct act of worship to the sun god.
What is burning the Yule Log.
Jesus was not born on December 25, this wicked ruthless man was and Christmas was originally a celebration of his Birth.
Who is Nimrod?
My life was shorter than most, but my son outlived them all. (Gen 5:21)
Who is Enoch?
Jehovah calls this organization a "disgusting thing" because it presumes it can do something only He is capable of accomplishing
What is the United Nations/League of Nations
Although it seems benign, Jehovah's Witnesses do not observe this tradition as its founders believed Jehovah to be a vindictive and cruel God.
What is Thanksgiving?