Bed Mobility

Resident is unable to assist in bed mobility and requires 2 staff for assist. How would you code bed mobility?

Self-Performance: Total Dependence 

Support Provided: 2+ persons physical assist


How would you code a transfer with a mechanical lift?

Self Performance: Total Dependence

Support Provided: 2+ persons physical assist

Resident is a quadriplegic and is dependent on staff for feeding. How would you code eating?
What is 4/2

Resident is on toilet and is unable to cleanse herself. Able to stand and hold onto grab bars while you toilet her. How would you code toileting?

Self Performance: Limited Assistance

Support Provided: 1 Person Physical Assist


Resident propels self in wheelchair to lunch. She is tired after a full meal and you have to push her back to her room. How would you code wheelchair mobility?

Self Performance: Total Dependence

Support Provided: 1 Person Physical Assist


Resident is able to reposition self in bed as long as you are verbally encouraging them. How would you code bed mobility?

Self-Performance: Independent

Support Provided: Supervision


Resident is lying in bed and you place her walker at her bedside. She is able to transfer while you observe. How would you code transfers?

Self Performance: Independent

Support Provided: Setup Help Only

Resident has Parkinson's disease and has trouble guiding food to her mouth due to her shaky hands. You assist by guiding her hands to her mouth. How would you code eating?
What is 2/2

Resident is able to bring herself to the toilet by herself. She requires no staff assist or oversight. How would you code?

Self Performance: Independent

Support Provided: No Setup Help


Resident has left sided weakness due to having a stroke. While ambulating in halls with use of a rolling walker, you support her left side. How would you code ambulating?

Self Performance: Extensive assistance

Support Provided:  1 Person Physical Assist


Mrs. Long can roll her upper body to the side but you have to push her hips and legs over to get her into a lateral position

Self-Performance: Extensive Assistance 

Support Provided: 1 person physical assist


According the the care plan, Mrs. Long needs guided maneuvering for positioning her hands on the dining room chair when transferring from the chair to the standing position. At breakfast, you guided Mrs. Long's hands to the arms of the dining room chair so she could push herself up to the standing position. How do you code this transfer?

Self Performance: Limited Assistance

Support Provided:  1 Person Physical Assist

Is 4/3 a appropriate code for eating?
What is No. It should not require total assist x2 staff members to feed a resident.

Mrs. Rubble is S/P fracture right foot. During your shift you took her to the bathroom, physically transferred her from the wheelchair to toilet and then back from the toilet to the wheelchair. She was able to do her own peri care, wash her hands and adjust her clothing herself. How do you code toileting based on the assistance you provided?

Self Performance: Extensive Assistance

Support Provided: 1 Person Physical Assist


Resident is getting dressed and is able to put on his shirt and pants. Has poor dexterity in his hands and so you assist by zipping up his pants zipper. How would you code dressing?

Self Performance: Limited Assistance

Support Provided: 1 Person Physical Assist


Resident frequently slides down in her bed. Two staff members had to physically lift and reposition her towards the head of the bed with a lift sheet while the  resident assisted by bending her knees and pushing against the bed. How would you code bed mobilty?

Self-Performance: Extensive Assistance 

Support Provided: 2+ persons physical assist

Mrs. Johnson has kidney failure and is a dialysis patient. Today is Monday and is her scheduled dialysis day. Ambulance arrives with two EMT's and they transfer her onto a stretcher. How would you code transfers?
What is 8/8

After staff deliver Mr. Johnson his tray, he consumes all of the food without any cueing or physical help. How would you code eating?

Self Performance: Independent

Support Provided: No Setup Help 


Staff members must remind resident to toilet frequently during the day and to unzip and zip pants and to wash hands after using toilet. How would you code toileting?

Self Performance: Supervision

Support Provided: No Setup Help


The CNA takes Mr. Thompsons toothbrush, comb and toothpaste from the drawer and places them on the bathroom sink. Mr. Thompson is then able to brush his own teeth and comb his own hair while CNA is in the room making his bed. CNA occasionally glances over to make sure Mr. Thompson is doing a good job. How would you code hygiene?

Self Performance: Independent

Support Provided: Setup help only


Mrs. Johnson is lying in bed and must turn every two hours due to a history of skin breakdown. Mrs. Johnson can sometimes be lazy and requires prompting. You're in the room and encourage the resident to turn while gently guiding her hands onto the side rail. How would you code bed mobility?

Self-Performance: Limited Assistance

Support Provided: 1 person physical assist

Resident is totally dependent on transfers and is a hoyer lift. You are by yourself in the room and have resident laying on pad hooked up to hoyer lift. Is 4/2 a appropriate code? If not, what?
What is No. Hoyer lifts are a two person transfer. You need another staff member in the room. 4/3.

Mr. Smith begins eating lunch by himself. He tires fast and a staff member has to physically support his hand to bring food to his mouth and provide verbal cueing to swallow the food. How would you code eating?

Self Performance:  Extensive Assistance

Support Provided:  1 Person Physical Assist


Staff must assist Mr. Johnson to zip his pants, hand him a washcloth, and remind him to wash his hands after using toilet daily. How would you code toileting?

Self Performance: Limited Assistance

Support Provided:  1 Person Physical Assist


Mr. Thompson is requesting to take a shower. He is physically able to wash himself but states "I dont feel like washing myself today". This is a noted behavior of Mr. Thompson and CNA completly bathes resident despite knowing he is perfectly capable of bathing himself. How would you code bathing?

Self Performance:  Total Dependence

Support Provided: 1 Person Physical Assist
