Type of communication that involves words that are spoken or written.
What is verbal communication?
The R in RACE stands for ________.
What is Rescue or Remove?
Name 2 things you assess when checking Vital signs.
What is Blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, or respiratory rate.
Urinary incontinence is the inability to control the ________.
What is the Bladder/Urine?
Out of Bed
What is OOB?
Difficulty swallowing
What is Dysphagia?
OSHA protects from _______ on the job.
What is Hazards?
Dyspnea is difficulty with __________.
What is Breathing?
Immobile residents should be repositions every ____ hours.
What is 2?
What is Do Not Resuscitate?
Legal advocate for residents assigned by law
What is an ombudsman?
Most important thing NAs can do to prevent spread of disease.
What is Hand hygiene/wash your hands?
What is 4?
When helping a resident get dressed who has had a stroke, you should always begin with the ________ side of the body.
What is weaker or affected?
What is patient-controlled analgesia?
HIPAA protects a residents ___________.
What is confidentiality/privacy?
If a resident is choking and no longer able to cough or speak you should perform _________.
What is Abdominal thrusts or Heimlich maneuver?
You should never _______ soiled linens.
What is shake or put on the floor?
Always work from _____ to _______ when performing perineal care.
What is front to back?
after meals
What is pc or p.c?
Information collected based on what a person sees, hears, touches or smells is considered ________ information.
What is Objective Information?
The NA should first ________ if they walk into a room and a resident has fallen on the floor.
Call for the Nurse
Can NAs decrease Oxygen flow if the nurse instructs them to?
No, NAs should never adjust the Oxygen Flow.
Redness of the skin is considered a Stage ____ pressure injury.
What is 1?
What is percutaneous endoscopic gastrotomy?