Stop and Think!

A resident who is confined to bed requires special care. Which of the following is a task performed by a NA?

a. changing the IV tubes

b. changing a sterile dressing

c. helping with the use of a bedpan

d. giving a medication to the resident

c. helping with the use of a bedpan


A resident hasn't been informed how much a medical procedure will cost and her options.  Which of the following Resident's Rights is being violated?

a. Right to best quality of life possible.

b. Right to be fully informed about rights and services.

c. Right to privacy and confidentiality

d. Right to visits. 

b. Right to be fully informed about rights and services.


A resident's sister gives her favorite NA a thankyou note with a gift card inside. She tells the NA that its a small way of letting him know how much she appreciates his work.  The NA doesn't want to offend the family and it IS a gift card to his favorite restaurant, so he accepts the gift.   How should the NA have responded in this case?

a. the NA should have contacted the ombudsman for the facility to see if it was ok to accept the gift.

b. The NA should have reported the gift to the State Board of Nursing

c. the NA should have just said thankyou for thinking of him, but politely refuse the gift.

d. the NA should have offered to reimburse the sister for the cost of the gift before accepting it. 

c. politely refuse the gift. 


A NA is documenting a resident's care for the first time.  Which of the following is an example of accurate documentation? 

a. Writing down that she is feeding breakfast to the resident right before doing so. 

b. Recording the resident's pulse and respiration rate neatly in pencil

c. Writing an opinion about the resident weight.

d. Recording the resident's blood pressure in black ink.

d. black ink.


If a resident tries to hit a NA, the NA should

a. grab and hold the resident's hands to keep him from hitting again.

b. Get a mitt restraint and apply it.

c. Step back and call the nurse

d. Find someone else who witnessed the behavior. 

c. step back and call the nurse


Which of the following is an example of a NA using personal protective equipment properly?

a. Donning gloves before handling a urinal

b. Donning gloves before helping a resident to dress

c. Donning a face mask before assisting with feeding

d. Donning goggles before combing a residents hair. 

a. Donning gloves before handling a urinal


It is a NA's first day on the job and she wants to make a positive impression.  Which is an example of professional grooming?

a. She should bathe/shower every 3 days so as not to dry out her skin.

b. She should brush her teeth at least every other day.

c. Her nails should be clean and long.

d. Her hair should be neatly tied back away from her face.

d.  Hair should be neatly tied back away from face.


A resident has bite marks and scratches that continue to appear and she cant explain. This could be a sign of:

a. psychological abuse

b. passive neglect

c active neglect

d physical abuse.

d. physical abuse


The NA enters a resident's room to give her a scheduled bath.  The resident appears to have been crying and says she doesn't want a bath.  Which is the best response by the NA?

a. The NA should insist that the resident take her bath, that it would cheer her up.

b. The NA should respect the residents refusal and report it to the nurse

c. The NA should let the resident know if she doesn't take her bath she is contributing to spread of infection in the facility.

d. The NA should call a family member to see what has worked in the past.

b. Respect the residents refusal and report it to the nurse.


When a NA answers the phone at the long term care facility, which of the following is the best example of proper etiquette? 

a. "Good morning, this is Lyn Brooks, NA at Lakeside Village, How may I help you? "

b. "Good morning  , this is Lyn Brooks, Na to Mrs. Shaneira Toy. How May I help you? "

c. Lakeside Village.  This is Mrs. Toys room and she's recovering from abdominal surgery. Can I take a message?

d. Lakeside!  Hold, please!

a.  "Good morning, this is Lyn Brooks, NA at Lakeside Village.  How may I help you?"


Which is the following is a good guideline for the NA to follow when communicating with a resident who has a hearing impairment? 

a. The NA should approach the resident from behind and walk behind her if possible. 

b. The NA should stand or sit so that the resident can see the NA's face and make sure there is proper lighting in the room. 

c. The NA should speak loudly to make sure that she is understood.

d. The NA should exaggerate the pronunciation of certain words so that the resident is more likely to understand them.

b.  The NA  should stand or sit so that the resident can see the NA's face, and make sure there is proper lighting in the room. 


Which of the following infection prevention measures is the best way for a NA to prevent the spread of disease? 

a. wash hands frequently

b. hold all used equipment and soiled linens away from the body

c. avoid touching residents who have known diseases

d. wear gloves at all times


a. wash hands frequently


A NA is given the task of measuring vital signs each day while her co-worker has the task of weighing the residents each day.  Which of the following methods of nursing care is this?

a. Team nursing

b. Functional Nursing

c. Resident Focused care

d. Primary Nursing

b.  Functional Nursing 


A NA notices that a resident seems depressed.  While giving her a bed bath, the resident confides that another NA told her how "gross" the stump looked.  This is an example of

a. physical abuse

b. financial abuse

c. sexual abuse

d. psychological abuse.

d. psychological abuse


A NA is assigned to help a resident who is recovering from a total hip replacement and needs help with deep breathing exercises.  The resident is very uncommunicative.  Which question below would be most helpful in encouraging the resident to communicate?

a. "why are you so quiet?"

b. "Do you like doing deep breathing exercises?"

c. "Did you have a good breakfast?"

d. "how have you been feeling since I saw you yesterday?"

d. How have you been feeling since I saw you yesterday?  


During dinner, a resident throws her plate at a nursing assistant. Which of the following would be the best response?

a.The NA should tell the resident she needs to leave and finish her dinner in her room.

b. The NA should call the nurse and stand by to help as needed.

c. The NA should let the resident know that she will not be allowed to eat anymore food that night.

d. The NA should remove the other items on the table that the resident could throw.

b.  Call the nurse and stand by to assist. 


Which of the following is a good guideline for the nursing assistant to follow when helping a visually impaired resident? 

a. the NA should look away while speaking to him.

b. the NA should speak more loudly than normal

c. the NA should keep the lights low

d. the NA should use the face of an imaginary clock  to explain the position of objects. 

d. the NA should use the face of an imaginary clock to explain the position of objects. 


After washing her hands how should a NA turn off the faucet at the sink? 

a. put on clean gloves before turning the water off.

b. Use bare hands to turn water off

c. use a clean paper towel to turn the water off

d. use her foot to turn the water off

c. use a clean paper towel to turn the water off


While getting supplies from the supply closet, a NA sees another NA handle a resident roughly during a transfer. Which of the following actions is the NA legally required to take?

a. Confront the guilty NA about the abuse after she leaves the room.

b. The NA should contact the Residents Council.

c. The NA should report the abuse to the nurse immediately

d.  The NA should comfort the resident about what happened after the other NA has left the room. 

c.  Report it to the nurse immediately.


A NA learns that a co worker has offered to provide special care for a resident in exchange for payment. This is an example of

a. sexual abuse

b. financial abuse

c. psychological abuse

d. emotional abuse

b. financial abuse


A new NA on the unit is trying to visit with a resident from Nigeria who does not speak any English.  Which of the following would be the best response by the NA in order to communicate with the resident? 

a. The NA should speak loudly so that the NA is sure the resident hears him.

b. the NA should face the resident so the resident can read the NA's lips.

c. The NA should ask if there is an interpreter who can help.

d. The NA should try to teach the resident to speak English.

c.  Request an interpreter.


A residents husband died recently.  She has stopped participating in game night or coming to the dining room for meals.  She is eating very little and seems sad.  Which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant?

a. The NA should tell the resident to cheer up, at least her husband lived longer than some other men. 

b. The NA should tell the resident that its for the best and her husband is in a better place.

c. The NA should change the subject if the resident mentions her husband and try to talk about happier things.

d. The NA should be respectful of the fact that the resident is grieving and give her opportunities to talk about her feeling if she wants to. 

d. The resident should be allowed to talk about her feelings !


A new resident fell and broke his hip, which prompted his move to the long term care facility. He has become dependent on others for the first time in his life and is depressed.  According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which of the needs could the resident be struggling with?

a.  need for love

b. need for rest

c. need for self esteem

d. need for safety and security

c.  need for self esteem


For which of the following procedures should gloves always be worn?

a. feeding a resident

b. emptying the resident's urinary drainage bag

c. brushing the resident' hair

d. helping the resident to move up in bed. 

b. emptying the resident's urinary drainage bag


Which of the following would be recorded in a NA's record in her state's NA registry?

a. An investigation showed that abuse occurred while she worked with residents.

b. She arrived late to work repeatedly even after being warned.

c. She missed required in service training about abuse and neglect

d. She did not give ample notice for leaving the job. 

a. An investigation showed abuse occurred while she worked with residents.


A NA who works periodically when full time staff members are on vacation helps care for residents who have Alzheimers disease.  On different occasions she noticed that a resident's bed smells of urine and that her hair is dirty and matted.  This could be a sign of

a. financial abuse

b. sexual abuse

c. physical abuse

d. neglect

d.  neglect


The NA has to touch residents in order to do her job. Which of the following is an example of appropriate touch?

a. Holding the resident's leg as she bathes it.

b. Having the resident sit in her lap.

c. hugging a resident who does not like to be touched.

d. Kissing resident after hearing good news. 

a. holding the residents leg as she bathes it. 


A resident refuses to eat his food.  Which of the following is the best response by the NA?

a. Tell the resident he can have extra dessert if he cooperates.

b. Tell the resident that he is already too thin and could die if he doesn't continue to eat.

c. Report the refusal  to the nurse immediately.

d. Tell the resident that he could get into trouble for not following the rules. 

c. Report the refusal to the nurse. 


A resident has a severe form of cerebral palsy.  Which of the following is a guideline for the NA to follow when providing care for this resident?

a. the NA should help teach adls  by combining small steps and teaching large tasks all at once.

b. the NA should not talk to the resident because the CP makes it hard for the resident to respond clearly.

c. the NA should help the resident move slowly, and allow more time for adjusting her body position.

d. Because the CP effects the resident's intelligence, the NA should speak to the resident as if she were a child. 

c. the NA should help the resident move slowly, and allow more time for adjusting her body position.


Its bedtime, and a NA just finished helping a resident with oral care.  Its now time to help the roommate.  There are no additional gloves in the room. What is the course of action the NA should take?

a. reuse the same gloves used on the first resident, just wash your hands first.

b.  wash the gloves in hot, soapy water before assisting the next resident.

c. Don't wear any gloves for the 2nd resident...just don't touch her mouth...

d.  Notify the nurse that there are no additional gloves can be found and don't do anything else until more gloves come.

d.  Notify the nurse that there are no additional gloves can be found and don't do anything else until more gloves come.


A NA is in the middle of her shift and is behind schedule. She's worried she wont be able to finish all the assigned tasks by the end of her shift.  Which is the best choice she can make in this situation?

a. Because the NA is sure her charges do not have infections or contagious disease, she shouldn't have to wash her hands before and after taking vital save time.

b. the NA should make up vital signs readings for some residents if they have had the same readings the last few times.

c. The NA should notify the nurse

d. The NA should ask residents who are able to do so, to take their own readings and report them to her. 

c. The NA should notify the nurse


A resident is restrained due to doctor's orders.  Which of the following is true about a resident who is restrained?

a. the resident is at a lower risk of being constipated.

b. the resident is at a higher risk of developing pressure ulcers.

c. the resident's sleep will most likely be improved.

d. the resident is at a lower risk of developing muscle atrophy. 

b. the resident is at a higher risk of developing pressure ulcers.


A resident with multiple sclerosis is prone to falling. Which is one way that a NA can help prevent the resident from falling?

a. The NA should leave the resident's bed in its lowest position when finished with care.

b. The NA should apply a restraint to keep the resident in place

c. The NA should encourage the resident to wear long, loose fitting clothing

d. The NA should insist that the resident stay in bed. 

a. The NA should leave the resident's bed in its lowest position when finished with care.


Which of the following is a proper guideline for the NA to follow when there is a fire?

a. The NA should jump into the closest elevator to get to the exit doors. 

b. If her clothing is on fire, the NA should find a hose or bucket of water to put out the fire.

c. If clothing catches fire, the NA should run as quickly as possible to help put of the flames.

d. The NA should use wet towels to block doorways to prevent smoke from entering the room.

d. The NA should use wet towels to block doorways to prevent smoke from entering the room.


Which of the following statements is true of admitting new residents to a long term care facility?

a. The NA should expect that residents will be experiencing many losses and emotions due to the change.

b. The NA should expect that residents will have insomnia

c. The NA should expect that residents will be unable to perform their adl's by themselves.

d.  The NA should expect that residents will be confused and have dementia

a. The NA should expect that residents will be experiencing many losses and emotions due to the change.


One room houses both a healthy resident and  one who has pneumonia.  Which of the following is an infection prevention example for Link 3 (portal of exit) in the chain of infection?

a. The healthy resident should get a vaccine to prevent getting pneumonia.

b. The sick resident should cover his nose and mouth when sneezing

c. The sick resident should get a vaccine to prevent transmitting pneumonia

d. The healthy resident should keep his bedside table and overbed table clean and dry

b. The sick resident should cover his nose and mouth when sneezing
