Within my scope
Around the building
DO or Don't
Job duties

1st dose of antibiotics should be given by the nurse, True/False



Before leaving my shift, I should set the next shift up for success by.......

A. Stocking the cart and taking out the trash.

B. Refilling water and spoons

C. Ordering all meds that need re-ordering on my shift

D. checking the fridge temp and recording


Missing medication is considered a med error only if meds are missing 2 or more days

False- Every dose missed is a med error


Leave medication at the bedside when a resident asks you to so that they can take them later.



If your hands are visibly soiled you must clean/disinfect them with.....

Soap and water


3 ways med aide can administer medications

A. Oral

B. Ophthalmic

C. Nasally

D. Inhaled


How do I get cart supplies? Choose all that apply.

A. Call Marlene @ X 3636

B. Ask nurse on duty

C. Leave for the next shift

D. Go to skilled and borrow from them


 I must tell the nurse on duty every time I have a medication not available



Resident refuses their Colace.  You should tell them they have to take every med the MD ordered.



It's ok to handle the residents' pills in my bare hand since I just washed them.



CMA must take vital signs when......

The medication being given might alter the vital signs!

Ex: Tylenol for fever- needs temperature checked

Ex: Pain meds being given needs pain score

Ex: Blood pressure meds need BP taken

Ex: Beta blockers need pulse taken


With whom may a nursing assistant share a residents health information?

Other care team members who need the information to perform their job.


Medications that are not available should be called to the pharmacy and delivered whenever the pharmacy can get them to us?

False: They should be STAT delivered so that the resident doesn't miss a dose.

I can break a tablet in half if the resident wants me to so that they can swallow 2 smaller pills rather than the 1 big one

DON'T- please ask the nurse first.  Some meds are extended release or enteric coated and need to be taken whole.  


Standard Precautions means

Treating all blood, body fluids, and mucous membranes as if they were infected


I am running behind; in order to catch up it is ok to ask the nurse to pre-pour hall C's meds, so I don't have to do it later.



Eye drops are given 

A.  In no certain order, one after another

B.  Only at bedtime when the resident is in a laying position

C. Wait 5" minutes between each eye drop

D.  However the resident wants to do it is fine


Which of the following should the nursing assistant do when working with a resident who has hearing loss?

Encourage the resident to wear a hearing aid

Speak clearly with good tone


Protonix and Levothyroxine are on the MAR to be given at 0900 with all of the other medications.  I should go ahead and administer as ordered......

DON'T- please talk to the nurse about the timing of the medications.  These meds are usually given on night shift, before breakfast and on an empty stomach.


Gloves can be worn during med pass as long as you change them when you switch hallways

False-gloves need to be removed upon exiting the apartment.


I've given Mr. Smith Tylenol for his hurting back earlier this week.  Today he says his back is hurting more than usual and he asks me for Dilaudid.  I should......

A:  Ask pain level and then administer pain meds immediately.

B.  Tell him he has to wait until he can be assessed by the nurse when she gets back from lunch.

C.  Give him liquid morphine since he has new pain and the Tylenol usually doesn't work

D.  Call the nurse right away and have her evaluate the new pain, then wait for instructions on what to administer


Sharps containers should be changed when They are 3/4 full



You walk into a room and the resident is on the floor profusely bleeding from his skull.  Blood is everywhere and the resident is non-responsive.  What is your next step?

CALL 911


I should wear PPE while administering medications

DO- please wear gloves when administering eye drops.  Sanitize hands regularly between residents.


Carts should be wiped down at the beginning of every shift with purple top wipes.

True- The cart should be disinfected by wiping it down and then by waiting 2 minutes for the disinfectant to dry naturally.
