CNA Account type
If contract isn't available, where may you find another copy?
click on customer name in blue. Top screen
Customer needs to replace an Equipment.
Should I set a service call or an Escalation?
Set up a Service call with details note for tech to come with a receiver.
Escalation only for additional equipment with drop shipping or with Tech on site.
Always Follow up with CET tracker
Where do you find the tv access fees?
Contract > approved programming > click left screen on API Tv access fee
Before adding a programming What should I check?
Programming special notes
approved programming
How do you Authenticate a CNA account.
An employee from Morgan calling for a 775 OSD
Troubleshoot failed what he should do?
Call Their Helpdesk 866 401 8324
to obtain Ticket Po number for service call or an order.
Customers want to follow up a service call previously requested. How to let the dispatch know about it?
1. Review case history notes
2. Add the information in the initial request
3. change the owner of the case for CVS or 2nd point of vendor
4. Add the initial case # into your case notes as the Parent case.
Where to find in Stms Morgan Stanley Tv acc fees?
Package > other services
Most current contract is missing:
What should I do?
Check SFDC if not there escalate to your TL/TM
On each call, what should be reviewed?
Approved programming
How do you determine what type of service call a customer needs?
Contracts, service provider
Complex Service call, Who is supposed to be the new case owner and what should I complete.
2nd point of vendor
CVS form
service call forms
CET racker for follow up
A customer called in for an invalid reason, what should I always update.
Approved programming
Base package
Rid count
Tv acc fees
RS fees
Customers want to add NFL package FCO is missing?
Once you're done with a call and the case is resolved ready to be closed, what is MANDATORY to check?
Be accurate.
Approved programming with STMS pricing
Base packages
Rid Count
Tv Acc fees
RSN fees
What type of service call we can national accounts have?
Complex Service call, who is supposed be the case owner and what should I complete.
1. 2nd point of vendor
2. complete case notes
3. CVS form
4. service call forms
5. CET racker for follow up
Where to find the current Rid Count
Equipment, primary access card, click on related. you will get access to customer current programming and most current Rid count.
Customer experiencing a 771 OSD on his sport channel, How to troubleshoot?
Remote => menu > setting > Satellite > Repeat Sat set up > dash > press continue
Remote => menu > setting > Satellite > Repeat Sat set up > dash > slect Dish pointing > Enter Zip code
Remote => menu > setting > Display > Preferences > select Show Hide HD > Schedule a service call it s a temporary fix
What does MSA means?
Master service agreement
What in the contract is required to be checked for every call?
Service provider
Equipment Special notes for an order / serv call
Equipement special programming
Special instructions
Approved Programming
Service call noncomplex what should I do?
1. Case in Priority High
2. Case notes well completed.
3. Schedule in Rio in High priority
4. Service call forms
5. Fill CVS
6. Add Activity #
7. change case owner for commercial vendor serv.
8. Follow up CET tracker
Customer got 27 receivers; how much will be his TV access fees?
Receivers 1-9 = $3
Receivers 10-21 = $2
Receivers 22+ =$1
How to proceed to add programming for VIE?
Never Add programming. Customer should send an email to