A resident refuses a shower. A nursing assistant should:

A. report this to family members

B. tell the resident not to worry about it

C. report and record the refusal

D. force them to do the shower

C.  Report and record the refusal 


Documentation should always be:

A. written in pencil

B. written in pen

C. inaccurate

D. written in the resident's native language 

B. written in pen


Continued oozing or small amounts of diarrhea may be a symptom of :

A. stool impaction 

B. too many vegetables

C. renal failure

D. liver problems 

A.  stool impaction


Enteric precautions prevent:

A.  Contact with non-pathogens

B.  The spread of pathogens found in wounds

C.  The spread of pathogens through fecal material 

D.  The spread of pathogens through the air 

C.  The spread of pathogens through fecal material (enter/o = intestines)


Unusual behavior by a person with dementia is considered to be:

A.  Behavior that is a form of communication.

B.  Behavior that requires sedation.

C.  Behavior that requires restraints.

D.  Behavior that requires seclusion.

A.  Behavior that is a form of communication.


If a resident burns his hand, how should the nursing assistant respond?

A.  Put burn ointment on the hand and report.

B.  Apply a moist cool compress or cool water to the hand and report.

C.  Apply ice to the hand and report.

D.  If the burn is not blistered, no treatment is needed.

B.  Apply a moist cool compress or cool water and report.


When caring for a confused resident what should a nursing assistant do when communicating tasks? 

A.  List everything to be done ahead of time

B.  Communication will confuse them more

C.  Give simple directions

D.  Communicate tasks only to the nurse

C. Give simple directions


Mrs. Jackson is on strict I&O. You have picked up her breakfast and note she drank half of a 6 oz. glass of juice, 4 oz of milk, and 8 oz of coffee.  What will you document?

A.  540 ml oral intake

B.  18 oz oral intake

C.  450 ml oral intake

D.  15 oz oral intake 

C. 450 ml


You are instructed to strain Mr. Smiths urine. You know that straining urine is done to find what? 

A.  Bacteria

B.  Viruses

C.  Blood

D.  Stones

D.  Stones 


As you finish your shift, a patient with a history of bowel incontinence has a strong odor. What is the correct next step?

A.  Tell the CNA coming on duty that this resident needs to be changed as soon as possible.

B.  Report to the nurse that this resident has been incontinent.

C.  Provide peri care and a brief change respectfully before reporting off duty to the CNA.

D.  Give report to the CNA coming on duty and let him/her provide care when they check on the resident.

C.  Provide peri care and a brief change respectfully before reporting off duty to the CNA.


When cleaning dentures, why do you line the sink with a towel? 

A.  To keep the teeth from breaking if they are dropped.

B.  To keep the sink clean from oral bacteria.

C.  To hold the equipment until you are ready to use it.

D.  There is no need for a towel in the sink during denture care.

A.  To keep teeth from breaking if they are dropped


If the CNA is confused about instructions for a task that the nurse told the CNA to do, what is the next step?

A. Refuse to do the task.

B.  Do the task as correctly as possible.

C.  Ask the nurse to clarify the instructions.

D.  Notify the administrator that the nurse's instructions were not clear.

C.  Ask the nurse to clarify the instructions 


When are TED hose (anti-embolism stockings) applied? 

A.  Before the resident goes to bed at night.

B.  Before the resident eats lunch in the afternoon.

C.  Before the resident goes to the activity room.

D.  Before the resident gets out of bed in the morning.

D. Before the resident gets out of bed in the morning. (position, observations?)


If a diabetic resident exhibits signs and symptoms of being cold and clammy, has double vision, shallow breathing, and is hungry, the nursing assistant should do what? 

A.  Report it to the charge nurse stat.

B.  Chart it, but this is normal for diabetes.

C.  Give additional insulin.

D.  Give the resident a diet soda.

A.  Report it to the charge nurse immediately 


What is the safest way to confirm a residents identity? 

A.  Ask them if their name is ______________.

B.  Look at their picture in the chart.

C.  Ask them their name and DOB.

D.  Ask another resident to identify them.

C.  Ask them their name and DOB.  (Hospital/unconscious resident:  look at name bracelet)


Mrs. Smith reports to you that her hearing aid is missing. What do you do?

A.  Insist she tell you where she last had it.

B.  Tell her to keep looking until she finds it.

C.  Look for it and report the loss to the nurse.

D.  Look for it and if it is not found, tell Mrs. Smith to order a new one.

C. Look for it and report the loss to the nurse


A resident has urinary incontinence. What is the best response of the nursing assistant? 

A. Check the resident every 15 minutes to provide peri care and bed/brief changes.

B.  Give the resident a bag of incontinence briefs and instruct her to use them as needed.

C.  Check the resident once a shift and provide peri care and bed changes if needed.

D.  Check the resident at least every 2 hours to provide bed/brief changes and peri care.

D. Check the resident at least every 2 hours to provide bed/brief changes and peri care.


Mr. Jones is unconscious. What are some guidelines you need to remember when giving oral care?

A. Provide care at least q 2 hours

B.  Explain the procedure to him as you provide care

C.  Clean mouth, tongue, and gums

D.  All of the above 

D.  All of the above 


A gait belt should be used when

A. transferring a resident to a wheelchair

B. the resident is unable to bear weight

C. the resident has a gastrostomy

D. a mechanical lift is not available

A. transferring a resident to a wheelchair 


You observed emesis on the bed linens. This indicated that the resident did what? 

A.  Urinated

B.  Vomited

C.  Defecated

D.  Spilled

B.  Vomited 


When you have the resident repeat what you have told them to check for understanding, this is called:

A.  training

B.  ineffective communication

C.  misunderstanding

D.  validation

D.  Validation


Starting a bladder training program for a resident with incontinence should reduce what risk? 

A.  Risk for dyspnea

B.  Risk for dysphagia

C.  Risk for skin breakdown

D.  Risk for contractures

C.  Risk for skin breakdown 


The resident is complaining of shortness of breath. What position might assist this resident?

A.  Supine

B.  Fowler's

C.  Prone

D.  Sim's

B.  Fowler's 


Mr. Smith has an IV in his right arm. He has a doctor's appointment and needs assistance with dressing. What is the nursing assistant's best action?

A.  Disconnect the IV line until he returns from his appointment, and help him dress.

B.  Put his shirt on starting with the left arm.

C.  Explain that he will need to wear his pajamas to the doctor's appointment since he has an IV.

D.  Put the IV bag through the right sleeve and follow with his arm.

D.  Put the IV bag through the right sleeve and follow with his arm 


The resident's weight may change by several pounds a day due to what?

A.  eczema

B.  dermatitis

C.  edema

D.  fracture 

C.  Edema (what health conditions?)
